Harvest Questions? W\PIC UPDATES


Active Member
Have a mini microscope, and I swear about 40% of the trichomes are amber (certain parts).. But when I take a peice of (bud) Leaf, from different parts of the plant, some have no amber at all, and some are even clear.... Is it possible to harvest a plant in sections or just individual buds, without damaging or decreasing yeilds?????

heres some pics.... Just want to get the most I can out of these babys, so much time,work, and money. I would hate to muck it up at the end!!! THANKS



Uses the Rollitup profile
Wait until all of those clear trichomes are cloudy. It's looking good, maybe only another 10-15 days.

You can harvest upper buds that are ripe, and leave the lower buds to continue, if you have the time and space.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
Ok, and doing this top to bottom harvest will not harm the plant or yeild? I know Ive heard of this before... what about small buds towards the bottom?? i got some kick ass side lighting so alot of the lower buds are farther along... THANKS!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Side lighting is always good for developing those lower bud sites that do not normally get the light necessary to develop. You can certainly harvest in sections if you feel that's what is necessary. Take off the top colas that are finished (they're not finished yet) and that will allow the lower buds to receive light and completely mature. Nice looking plants by the way! :hump: I'm no expert but I've harvested too early in the past and recommend that you allow the plant to fully develop top to bottom.


Well-Known Member
By the way, what strain, how many plants, soil or hydro, and what nutes? Just curious, whatever you're doing it appears to be effective.