Harvest SOON! What do you think??


Well-Known Member
I am bad with time, but they have been flowering for a good 2 months.
These pictures arent the best, but its the best I could get.
HPS soil grow. 2 White widow and 1 bag seed.
12/12 lights.
Wondering if I need to adjust that to more darkness soon? Also wondering about flushing. If i can get an estimate I would start flushing 2 weeks prior to harvest.
With this info, these here pictures and your educated guess, How much more time do you think these lovely ladies have until they are ripe to be harvested?

Thank you : )



Well-Known Member
so if they have been flowering for about 60 days cant be too much longer...id start flushing and give em another two weeks...best info i can give with the pics provided


Misguided Angel
None of them look ready to me. Wait until the hairs start reddening off and receding into the buds, then check your trics.

Guitar guy

Active Member
The white widow isn't ready for about a month. I harvested mine just shy of 9 weeks and she could have gotten a lot bigger


Well-Known Member
yep widow i have run takes almost 10 weeks but get a magnifying glass and learn to read your trichomes.widow will swell big time its last couple weeks


Well-Known Member
so you two who last posted basically said exactly what i did...if hes at 8 weeks now and it will take ten and he wants to flush for two he should start flushing now and harvest in two weeks...unless guitarguy is saying 12 weeks but seems a bit long to me...id start flushing in a week if not now..


Well-Known Member
so you two who last posted basically said exactly what i did...if hes at 8 weeks now and it will take ten and he wants to flush for two he should start flushing now and harvest in two weeks...unless guitarguy is saying 12 weeks but seems a bit long to me...id start flushing in a week if not now..
I think flushing for 2 weeks is pointless if grown right 3-5 days is all thats needed .Flushing for 2 weeks is basically cutting off one week of growth and the final week at that when it swells and matures the most.Mine was ten weeks from clone grown under 24 hrs of light during veg when i flip the switch the plants usually bud in 3-5 days,if grown from seed the flip is going to take longer which adds another week to the final run. And finally all pot is different can't go by labeled finish dates ,to much to take into acct. nutes,light,temp. etc. ONly real way is to get a scope and learn to watch your ganja it will tell you when it's ready.


Well-Known Member
thats fine i agree i only flush for a week maybe a bit longer if i decided to leave the plant up a couple extra days than i thought i would but he said he wanted to flush for two weeks so i gave info based on that...if hes 8 weeks in and he wants to flush for two weeks then he will be at ten weeks if he flushes now and with the general knowledge that most strains will be finished by ten weeks i say start the flush now to a week from now. some strains take 12 weeks and some even 14 but those are the exception rather than the rule and he obviously doesnt have a loupe and knowledge of how to for sure tell himself or hed not be asking us this lol


Well-Known Member
thats fine i agree i only flush for a week maybe a bit longer if i decided to leave the plant up a couple extra days than i thought i would but he said he wanted to flush for two weeks so i gave info based on that...if hes 8 weeks in and he wants to flush for two weeks then he will be at ten weeks if he flushes now and with the general knowledge that most strains will be finished by ten weeks i say start the flush now to a week from now. some strains take 12 weeks and some even 14 but those are the exception rather than the rule and he obviously doesnt have a loupe and knowledge of how to for sure tell himself or hed not be asking us this lol
Not to sure what your saying? the exception? i got shit that ranges from 55 days to 16-17 weeks but i think every one is in agreement get a Scope! do some research on trichome's tons of it right on this site.But just a cheap magnifying glass is not gonna cut it,you need at least 30x to see the actual head and it's development. you got what looks like nice plants (not so nice pictures) keep up the good work and Do your homework this is one time it will pay off. :peace::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
most strains the novice or intermediate grower is going to pick up will be shorter strains...ive never seen a new grower go out and buy some landrace nl and learn with a 14 week plant lol. also i say exception because a majority of the seeds sold are 56-70 days approx. and again i say majority. i have to assume the white widow he has falls in that range....ofcourse you can never tell without a scope or prior experience, i dont need a scope anymore you can see when your plant has ripened and is ready. just trying to give the best advice i really can with the info given


Well-Known Member
right on not arguing but i've learned not to assume with newbie's lol! my friend told me etc etc ,and yeah most of the seed company's are catering to beginner's i think as well and don't even get me started on the auto craze !:fire:takes a lot of patience to grow out a sativa ,hell been growing for over twenty and i barely have the patience for it.


Well-Known Member
haha ya the autos..were def on the same page their....and hey i love a good sativa mostly because i feel the markets flooded with indicas its nice to get a change, a nice pure sativa leaves ya feeling pretty good after you burn one..i hear u on that tho i shouldnt make assumptions ..u no what happens when you assume things ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for the advice.
I cannot seem to get better pictures, my camera phone is terrible.
I looked at the trichs with little magnifier and the white widows look a lot more ready (still white/light green hairs on the bagseed plant).

The trichs on the white widows do look almost ready but still seem clear, im looking for some milkiness.
How long would you say that should start popping up?

Also! On the bagseed plant, the entire cola (about a foot long) got attacked by mold. I was terribly upset to have to chop the whole cola off. I don't think theres really anything to be done with it now.
Unfortunately, I do not have a dehumidifier and the weather lately has been pretty humid. I have installed a more powerful fan to try to help dry it up the air.
Would you recommend any precautions/sprays to keep the environment/buds in check?

Thanks : )