harvest to earlie


Active Member
so i was growing at someones house as you all may know. and they where talking about cutting me out of my share sence it was there equipment. all i asked for was one plant out of 6. well long story short i cut the plants today and they still had alot of white hairs probably only 25-35% red. is this going to ruin the buds or will they still be smokable.


New Member
hair color doesn't matter. if you can see a plethora of trichomes with the naked eye, then you are ready for some wake-n-bake (uppers). the only way to know for sure is to smoke some.


Active Member
yeah they look like diamonds and the seed pods are matured tons of sparkle under the leafs and inside the buds


Well-Known Member
you can get a cheap little magnifying glass from radioshack adn just take a little snippet and see what colour the trichs are. transparents is too early, cloudy and amber are good.

Dank Dank

Active Member
dry it. smoke it. and report back to me. jk.

great job bro. tell them there is alittle somthin called stoner etiquete

I know I cant spell.
