Harvest Wet?

Help please. First time growing outdoors. Plant’s have lost ALL of their leaves in the past 24 hours due to high winds and rain. Buds could be harvested anytime, colours are all nicely amber.
My problem is that we are in the middle of a torrential downpour that is going to last for four more days. Do I bite the bullet and harvest now while soaking wet or wait out the rain?
Help please. First time growing outdoors. Plant’s have lost ALL of their leaves in the past 24 hours due to high winds and rain. Buds could be harvested anytime, colours are all nicely amber.
My problem is that we are in the middle of a torrential downpour that is going to last for four more days. Do I bite the bullet and harvest now while soaking wet or wait out the rain?
If you're in Michigan you are too early

If you are sure they are ready to harvest, get them inside where you can dry them off and control the humidity-get some air circulation in the room and keep it around 55% rh. I wouldn't leave them out in the rain if they are ready to harvest.
Thank you. Am I right in assuming that the bud cannot grow further if all of the leaves are gone?