harvesting coming soon?? (Pics and Questions)


Well-Known Member
How long and any opinion on what the yield may be,there both about 5feet and swelling!!Well here they are..I have two plants one was a little behind but seems to be catching up nicely...I been watering it with 7-8-6 and molasses, 3 weeks ago added triple super phoshate in the soil and they seem to be loving it..They were growing slow but they been doing alot better lately!!!Any thought are Questions??Thanks rollitup the last pic is 5 days ago so you can see how it took off!!!yay baby



Well-Known Member
what am i doing wrong i post treads and i barely get any responses???Help people,please,i thought this web page is about karma and helping others and all that...well any info would be nice since this is the first time i seen my grow all the way through..later


Well-Known Member
maybe 6 weeks for the one but its 3 weeks behind the other,and you cant see in the pics cause i took at night but the one has a top cola thats both 12 inches long with buds all the way down it im thinking 2 weeks for the one and 5 for the other!!!

Old guy

Active Member
The hardest thing to do is wait....I can't see anything I would cut in two weeks. Four to Six sounds more like it. They look nice, let them mature.