Harvesting early - do these buds look ready?


Active Member
Hey all -

Unfortunately I have to harvest my plant 42 days/6 weeks into flowering due to circumstances beyond my control. Ideally I would have waited until 8 weeks had passed but in this case the shtf and I have to take my losses. I snapped some pictures today, what do you all think, are these buds able to be harvested now, am I still going to get a moderate high from them?

BTW This is strawberry cough strain grown aeroponically



Well-Known Member
Those plants are so premature it's not even funny. Harvesting right now would be such a waste.


Well-Known Member
What are the circumstances? Because those need weeks more time. Dillweed's right it will be a huge waste. Those buds are gonna shrink down to nothing. Have you even flushed them? You need to figure out some way to give them the time they need.