I was looking around for something to use for pest control on an outdoor garden I've got...about 92 plants down in the using the usual sprays is quite costly as you can probably guess...well I found this product, "Monterey Fruit Tree & Vegetable Systemic Soil Drench"'s not a spray...but the name gives that away neem oil it can be used by diluting into your water and the plant picks it up through the roots which in turn stores the anti-pest agent so when a pest decides to bite into the plant it eats the poison and dies...well this is said to work in the plant for three here's my question I'm hoping I can find help with...will this product give me any unwanted side effects when harvest-drying-curing time comes around? that time is in about 6-8 weeks. I hope someone can help and thank you for any input anybody has.