Has anybody here used mmj or oil to treat Gout?


Active Member
I've been a heavy drinker of MicroBrew style Beers(Ales) for many years.
(I can't stand budweiser, coors, miller etc.)

Recently, I have developed painful swelling in one of my toes and the foot also swells-up.
I'm thinking it's most likely GOUT
(my DR. seems clueless about Gout!)
I guess I'll have to severely cut-back on the beer!

Has anybody here used mmj or oil for treating Gout?
Please share your experiences!
Eatings fresh cherries gets rid of gout, it attacks the uric acid build up which goes into the joints mostly starts in the big toe..
youll need to cut back on a lot of things while MJ is an amazing plant it is not a one stop miracle treatment you need to make your diet, health and other areas of your life better in order to reduce this issue.