Has anyone ever seen these kind of lights?

Hey I am new to growing and have been growing outdoors. Unfortunately my circumstances are forcing me to have to finish inside. I do not have the money to go out and buy expensive lights and have to make due with what I got. I have a 2 23 watt CFLs which I understand are the bare minimum of what's required to grow. But I stumbled upon these and the wattage is significantly high problem is I have no clue if these are fit for growing and get really hot. Does anyone have any clue of what these lights are and if they're fit for growing? And if they are how far should I keep the lights away from my plants to avoid burning them? Thanks in advance.20151013_113810.jpg20151013_113854.jpg 20151013_113840.jpg 20151013_113959.jpg
Alright yeah I'm an idiot. Its been so long since I've seen these I forgot they were incandescent bulbs. Which I understand are even worse then CFLs because of low lumens. So I have 2 23 watt CFLs and a bunch of 14 watt CFLs. But only 5 lamps. Would a 100 watt incandescent be higher in lumens then a 14 watt cfl?
Can you afford these? https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias=instant-video&field-keywords=hydrofarm t-5

Dont get me wrong cfl's are fine but i think you'd do better and have more success with t-5's.
I could but I don't really have an established grow room I kinda just made a makeshift one to hopefully get me by since my plants have already ben in flower now for awhile. In the uture I would like to get lights like that and a more sufficient set up but for now I'm just looking for a little head stash I can proudly say I grew myself haha. This is my biggest of the three 1444760938053-2137276041.jpg 1444761229582-905928280.jpg 14447615903221630444169.jpg



Well-Known Member
jesus crist does that look my area lol. typical vermont foliage on the ground! If your wantin more higher watt cfl's and your in the eastern united states i'd say lowes or a home depot. If not maybe amazon has a decent bulb thats prime eligible so you can have it sent PRONTO! Good run though, considering everything!
jesus crist does that look my area lol. typical vermont foliage on the ground! If your wantin more higher watt cfl's and your in the eastern united states i'd say lowes or a home depot. If not maybe amazon has a decent bulb thats prime eligible so you can have it sent PRONTO! Good run though, considering everything!
Actually your not to far off I live in southern Maine about 45 mins away from Mass. But you do know your stuff! Lol


Well-Known Member
Dont be stupid like i was and let a place like gardeners supply rip your wallaet from your hands with the hydrofarms they sold me.....
aaa t-5's 001.JPG aaa t-5's 002.JPG Fuckers charged me 50 bucks PER 4 foot light each! ouchie! If i woulda been patient and smart i woulda bought the one you just linked lol! Oh and btw cats LOVE t-5's too! kitty tanning salon

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
Dont be stupid like i was and let a place like gardeners supply rip your wallaet from your hands with the hydrofarms they sold me.....
View attachment 3522383 View attachment 3522384 Fuckers charged me 50 bucks PER 4 foot light each! ouchie! If i woulda been patient and smart i woulda bought the one you just linked lol! Oh and btw cats LOVE t-5's too! kitty tanning salon
I was just going to say that kitty looks so happy. Stand guard kitty!!

So a 4light system costed 200$ opposed to 100 huh? Im going to buy this T5 then.


Well-Known Member
Dont be stupid like i was and let a place like gardeners supply rip your wallaet from your hands with the hydrofarms they sold me.....
View attachment 3522383 View attachment 3522384 Fuckers charged me 50 bucks PER 4 foot light each! ouchie! If i woulda been patient and smart i woulda bought the one you just linked lol! Oh and btw cats LOVE t-5's too! kitty tanning salon
Yeah you got ripped but so did I, theres many things you can do to improve this grow, as much as I love me cat ...being in the grow space is out, theres just to many bugs on the cats fur too risk, as for your plants,,, the addition of a couple of warm white tubes at about 2700k will make your plants stand up, and not be the squatties they are now, trash those plastic bags in the pots they reduce air in the soil, and make drainage very difficult, and a small pc type fan will allow your plants to breathe, yeah I bitch about how I got ripped but compared to the 2 foot version on Amazon, link above, you will need 2 of those 2 foot T5's , on their own they are good for holding mothers or early veg is all, I got my T5's(6) of them on a rack with diy counter pulleys, so its slides up and down with ease ....good luck

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
Hey I am new to growing and have been growing outdoors. Unfortunately my circumstances are forcing me to have to finish inside. I do not have the money to go out and buy expensive lights and have to make due with what I got. I have a 2 23 watt CFLs which I understand are the bare minimum of what's required to grow. But I stumbled upon these and the wattage is significantly high problem is I have no clue if these are fit for growing and get really hot. Does anyone have any clue of what these lights are and if they're fit for growing? And if they are how far should I keep the lights away from my plants to avoid burning them? Thanks in advance.View attachment 3520468View attachment 3520469 View attachment 3520470 View attachment 3520471
I tried to finish indoors with maybe 150-200W CFL.

It wasn't pretty, man.


Well-Known Member
^^^^ that was from 2012 that picture was. I had a bad habit in early indoor growing with keeping my veggin autos in plastic lined containers, wanna know why? idk why i did it tbh lmao. but that particular closet was the cats so i had to accomidate them, your right about pests, i was blessed to not have any, goodthing too cause i was HEAVY HANDED with the bat guanos back then, but hey man just look at the way i grew in 6 short months........

koshers 004.JPG kosher time 004_cleaned.JPG kosher time 002_cleaned.JPG kosher time 007.JPG