Has anyone used a RosinBomb M60 before ?

I have been looking into getting a rosin press and right now the one that I'm considering is the Rosinbomb M60. Has anyone on here used one before and if so did it work well for you. I like the idea of a electric press and the fact you can set it up to just drip into a tray without having to scrap it off paper on each press. Please any opinions would be appreciated and if you have any recommendations for a different press in the same price range.
You can get better setups for half the price.
What would you recommend and do you know if any of the less expensive ones offer any kinda continuous flow feature like this one?
I usually have a decent amount I'd like to press after each harvest and it would be nice not having to scrap it off the parchment paper after each press.
What would you recommend and do you know if any of the less expensive ones offer any kinda continuous flow feature like this one?
I usually have a decent amount I'd like to press after each harvest and it would be nice not having to scrap it off the parchment paper after each press.

That "continuous flow" is a straight up gimmick. You have to use parchment or ptfe when pressing, so your rosin is never going to actually pass through those channels in the plates. Those channels are also limiting the usable area of your plates to just a small circle. Also, the press only goes up to 3 tons which is inadequate if you are trying to do larger quantities...there is no way you would get 15-20% yields on 15grams of material with only 3tons of force. Looks like a total piece of crap if you ask me.

You could just buy this dab press, have 4x the pressing force, and be able to turn the press on its side to drip into whatever collection plate or vessel you want.
I use the 6 ton dabpress with great results but I don't press over 7 grams at a time. So if you're going to press more than a quarter, you may want to size up.

Also, with my limited experience of only pressing 5 or so different strains, they dont all flow. I have one or two strains that would probably do it, but the others yield more of a drier, peanut butter consistency rosin. You may buy it and realize it wont do what you originally bought it for. GL
That "continuous flow" is a straight up gimmick. You have to use parchment or ptfe when pressing, so your rosin is never going to actually pass through those channels in the plates. Those channels are also limiting the usable area of your plates to just a small circle. Also, the press only goes up to 3 tons which is inadequate if you are trying to do larger quantities...there is no way you would get 15-20% yields on 15grams of material with only 3tons of force. Looks like a total piece of crap if you ask me.

You could just buy this dab press, have 4x the pressing force, and be able to turn the press on its side to drip into whatever collection plate or vessel you want.
Would you recommend the 12 ton Dabpress over the 12 ton Nugsmasher ? I do like how you can turn the dab press on its side.