Has anyone watched SEE MORE BUDS Vol 1 *if so i have a question or 2*


I just finished watching SEE MORE BUDS VOL 1 Video and im going to go ahead and use the same set up.

But I am really confused on one thing. There are 3 grow rooms build within 1 Bedroom,

Grow room 1 is 4x6 feet with 4 600watt High Pressure Sodium Bulbs. There are 96 plants growing in a aquamist.

Groom room 2 is 4x6 feet with 2 600watt High Pressure Sodium Bulbs. There are 200 plants growing in a aquamist

Groom room 3 is the same as grow room one exept it uses 1 1000w and 2 600watt HPS bulbs..

Grow room 1 and 3 yielded about 4 or 5 lbs each and Grow room 2 yield the most at 6.

My question is this...How could grow room 2 yield the most with the least amount of light?

Also all those lights going on at once, is that a risk or is it safe as long as the bills are payed? and also what about heat projection from outside?

Also would i need to use the same amount of wattage when im in the veg stage or could i use half the lighting then change to the full 1200w when flowering?

Very great video but a bit confusing at times. The second room DOES show 4 ballasts and lights but said only briefly that there was 2 600wats being used on 300 (then down to 200) plants. AND they got the biggest yield..

Hopefully I can get some help on this.

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
not too much needed for vegging, and you want as much power as you can reasonably muster for flowering.

nice summation of the rooms from the vid...

my only explanation is;

a. ability, meaning having every environmental down and hitting home runs feeding.

b. genetics

c. - these numbers as a testament to the superior efficacy of a SOG op, meaning tons of small plants. like 200 in a 4x6...

200 / 24sq feet = 8 plants per foot.

wow. i don't think i've read any sog ops on here anywhere near to that density...

the resident expert runs at 3 plants per foot.

fuck. about the lights... averaging 50 watts per foot isn't too bad, pretty standard near enough.


So with Vegging do u think I could get away with 2 600 rather than 4?

What is a SOG op? I thought 200 in a 4x6 was crazy, he started off with 300 and lost a bunch. So this is just insane? So 96 plants would be sufficent? Im soo new at this, calculating the feet would mean 6x4 which would be 24?

And all that being said, if environment was perfect, and everything cared for the proper way, it is totally plausible to get 5LBS with 4 600watts?

Jax back

SOG is sea of green, basically lots of small plants

i've seen Grow More Buds and yes, the amount of plants he has is crazy, whichever way you look at it, you just don't need that amount

if growing is illegal in your country then sea of green is the way to give you the most sleepless nights due to the numbers involved - once you take into account that you also need the same amount of cuttings growing on, then the numbers get very very scary very quickly! (scary for me is over 50, very scary over 100)

if you ever do get caught, the court will be concerned with how many you were caught with, no matter how big/small they are (least in the uk thats the case)

i would of thought that growing, for instance 8, plants each giving you 6/7 oz each would be better than 90 giving you 1/2 oz each

2 x 600w sodiums would be fine for that space as they cover 1m sq each

and as you aim for 1gram per watt then you should be aiming for 1200grams dry weed from that table

whether that comes from 8 plants or 100 is down to you, but you will find that the wattage you're using will be the defining factor into how much you get

personally i have 4 plants under each 600w sodium that i average between 5 and 6oz per plant from

it is totally plausibe to get 5lb (2.27kg) from 4 x 600w (2400w) :-)


Sea Of Green..duh of course..haha thanks for that :)

I guess I never thought of it that way. I live in Canada and i lived in BC for a while, i know getting caught there would mean a slap on my wrist cause i dont have any prior record. Now im on the East Coast in Nova Scotia and im not too sure about that rule, its something I gotta check into.

But what you say makes sense..if im going to produce the same amount then why on earth would i get in over my head with the SOG.

Something to really think about, thank alot Jax!