Has this plant gone hermi ?

Hi guys ,
I was looking at my girls and seen this one . I heard of plants that turn hermaphrodite and wondering if this might be one of them. I also noticed a couple little babies sprouting from the soil in the same container , which I dont understand...lol.
This plant is a white widow and its a few weeks old. It was cloned from my mom that produced many good plants in the past...whats up with this one ?
Thanks for any help !


Well-Known Member
I dont see any hermi flowers, but i do see alot of single bladed leaves. That is a sign that she has gone thru alot of stress! Keep an eye on her she may turn hermi. Next time vegg your cuts a lil longer so they dont stress when you but them to flower.


Well-Known Member
Not sure where your seeing male parts. They may be there, but I don't see any in the pics. Male parts normally look like balls or banana clusters, anything that is teardrop shaped is probably fine, specially if there is a hair coming from it.
Thanks !
I first seen the 2 little plants that popped up in pic # 2 , which started me wondering how they got there, since it was a single clipping that I planted. It was the little cluster I seen in pic 3 that made me think it might be turning male.
I am still in the learning process, so I dont doubt the plants have been under stress. I had people ciming in for renovations and had to move my room 3 times which I am sure they didnt care for.
Thanks again for your help !!!