Hash Oil - How do you make it?


Well-Known Member
a bunch of shit on youtube... also try google... just search for how to make hash oil... easier than asking here.. also... SEARCH HERE!!!


New Member
yea dude.. thats is one of the easiest instructions to come by so i will give you a run down on the two main types of hash oil. you can decide which you use and than look up the respective instructions.
I will start with the more pure oil made from butane extraction called honey oil. This is the most pure form of anything and if you want to totally blow your mind this is the way to go. here.. a pro con list:
mind blowing
not quite a sketchy as buying iso alcohol
butane does not come in bulk quantity bottles like iso
hard to handle (very gooey,, doesnt even spread on paper well,, not to mention it would be a waste)

the other less pure is made from isopropyl alcohol (yes, rubbing alcohol make sure its at least 99% pure, the other 1% is only water) and is called black oil.
safer to make
you can buy bulk size bottles.. its a little sketchy but just say you are starting a tattoo/piercing shop or something of that nature
easier to make than honey oil
"acquired taste"
most stores that sell bulk quantities of iso know have been told by law enforcement agenecies that it is used for THC extraction,, so watch out and have a plan... around these parts you have to show ID and sign something to buy big bottles of iso


Active Member
Thanks Emerald, good vid.

Seems to sorted that one, now i've just got to see what i have left from my 1 plant,probably not enough to make any oil!!!


New Member
you never know what is in those "thinners".. could be a lot of chemicals that will leave residue in your product.. yuck.... isopropyl and butane are homogeneous organic compounnds with 100% (or damn near) combustion.. you just dont know with those thinners man, some of those chemicals might not evaporate/boil off, i wouldnt trust it untill i saw a list of ingredients


Active Member
I'll stick to the plan.

Do you think that i'd have enough trimmings from 2 plants to make any?

At the mo, i doing my first grow, so testing it all out. It going well,so exciting, buds are firming up really well, want to start the second.

Which will be two plants, grown horizontally.



New Member
you need two properties to make oil.... it has to be a solvent and it has to evaporate fairly easily.. for example.. butane boils off and turns into a gas at -.5 degrees celsius or 31 degrees Fahrenheit... alcohol boils off at 82.3 degrees celsius


Active Member
Hey Chuck,

Emereald 's vid was about making Hash, do you have a good links about making OIL. I've seen a few, but not very clear,

Nice One.


New Member
if you are a newbie i would stick to the iso extraction.. much safer and easier. also you dont need anything more that what you should have kicking around your house.. for butane extraction i use copper pipe with end caps and specially drilled holes for the butane applicator. this isnt stuff you neccisarily have kicking around your house and you may not have all the proper tools.
for iso extraction you need the following
coffee filters
99% isopropyl alcohol
two bowls

make sure your shit is dry and ground.. fill the coffee filter w/ the shake and dump the alcohol over it into a bowl... if you want you can change the coffee filter and put the shake into a new one but i find it a pain in the ass and dont always do it.
let the alcohol drain and pour it over the filter again over another bowl... repeat this pouring over process untill the alcohol stops getting a darker green... if it starts to go black you are not using enough alcohol... when you are done the alcohol will be a very dark shade of green,, but all depending on how much alcohol you use and how much shake you have.. and how patient you are... when you feel like the alcohol isnt getting any darker give the coffee filter a good squeeze.. dark green drops should come out.. do this untill none more will come out than dump some alcohol over the weed again and squeeze it again... it should come out a lot lighter shade of green or clear.
make a hot water bath to boil the alcohol off.. this is when fumes can become dangerous so make sure you have good ventilation and dont make sparks or light a doob or something stupid. get a big pot and fill it with hot water.. put it on your stove at medium high and but the bowl in the water... keep an eye on it as it will slowly boil off.. if you notice a very very strong smell that is making you feel light headed you either need to turn the temp down on the stove so it doent evap so quickly or you need more venmtilation. at the end you will have a goopy black substance at the bottom of the bowl.. make sure to not overcook it,, when there is no runny liquid left it is done.. take it out of the hot water and decide what you will do with it from there.. this is when it is easiest to put it into something or paste it on paper... it will be managble because it is still warm and if you let it sit out it will become a lot harder

hope this helps,, sorry i rushed it so much,, but i think you get the idea..


Active Member
Thanks chuck got it, can't wait to try.

Hay Con, thanks for the link. I did try and search the faq, but didn't find it.

Just gonna hope i get enough to make the oil.

Thanks all.

Any other tips welcome.


Well-Known Member
yea dude.. thats is one of the easiest instructions to come by so i will give you a run down on the two main types of hash oil. you can decide which you use and than look up the respective instructions.
I will start with the more pure oil made from butane extraction called honey oil. This is the most pure form of anything and if you want to totally blow your mind this is the way to go. here.. a pro con list:
mind blowing
not quite a sketchy as buying iso alcohol
butane does not come in bulk quantity bottles like iso
hard to handle (very gooey,, doesnt even spread on paper well,, not to mention it would be a waste)

the other less pure is made from isopropyl alcohol (yes, rubbing alcohol make sure its at least 99% pure, the other 1% is only water) and is called black oil.
safer to make
you can buy bulk size bottles.. its a little sketchy but just say you are starting a tattoo/piercing shop or something of that nature
easier to make than honey oil
"acquired taste"
most stores that sell bulk quantities of iso know have been told by law enforcement agenecies that it is used for THC extraction,, so watch out and have a plan... around these parts you have to show ID and sign something to buy big bottles of iso
why is iso sketchy to buy??


Well-Known Member
why is iso sketchy to buy??

most people only buy the ... 90... 91%... whatever it is in stores.. 99% is probably harder to come by, and i've only seen it at medical supply stores... like that sell wheelchairs and oxygen machines and shit...
tattoo shop is a good idea though...


New Member
why is iso sketchy to buy??

most stores that sell bulk quantities of iso have now have been told by law enforcement agenecies that it is used for THC extraction,, so watch out and have a plan... around these parts you have to show ID and sign something to buy big bottles of iso
like i said....... and i dont use 90% iso,, what is the other 10%??? 99% for the purest and cleanest


Well-Known Member
I make oil alot for friends. I use butane and a home made extractor. There are alot of methods for doing this. I never thought to make a post about it though.... apparently there is a need for a step by step guide. I am making a batch in about 2 weeks, will take pics and post a guide asap.


Active Member
Hay ThunderLips,

It would be great if you did show us. There are a few vids etc, but not very clear.

Nice One.


Well-Known Member
RGR, The clippings are still drying. It wont be a huge batch but enough to show how its done.

Ive used the ISO method a few times but it doesnt compare to the quality of honey oil. Ill reply back to this thread as soon as I post the how to.