

Active Member
Well I'm bout at the end of my first grow and don't really got any extra money was looking for some advice on CHEAP ways to make hash


Well-Known Member
hand hash if you really want? rub ur hands on the colas and get em sticky then rub ur hands together and get it into a ball-ish type shape. to be honest, I've never done this myself but heard of others doing it. don't know if its really worth it but you could try. i personally do not know of another way to make hash without spending anything...


throw everything (clippings, stems etc) in the freezer, then take a grinder with a screen and grind it all it up bit by bit. Remember to beat the grinder hard.
Take your trimmings , freeze them , then rub them on a silk screen over a mirror or clean table , then press the kief into hash using a vice grip and some flat metal . Or you can put your trimmings inside of a jar with ice and water , agitate it by shaking the jar , then filter out the plant material and finally screen out the trichomes with a coffee filter or fine mesh .


Well-Known Member
Get a herb grinder with screened pollen catcher, once you have accumalated enough pollen ( trichs ) get a pollen press and make hash. or dry your trimmings and place in a mason jar with ice cold water, and some ice shake the hell out of it, place in fridge for a few hrs, skim out the floating trimmings carefully, poor the remainder through a coffe filter, let dry, scrap up the hash and put in a pollen press.