Hate Drinking Alcohol


Well-Known Member
Can't stand the shit...

Beer, wine, liquor, all the same... I can't understand how anyone could honestly say "this tastes good" after having tasted literally any beer and just about all varieties of hard liquor..

They say it's an acquired taste... but I just don't get it. I've never had any kind of urge for anything alcoholic, even when I was a kid, my dad would give me sips of his beer every now and then and it would disgust the fuck out of me. Was never interested in drinking at parties or drinking underage or anything like that. I'm 23 years old and have been drunk twice my entire life, and to tell you the truth, the feeling of being drunk isn't even all that appealing... I've taken other substances that are much easier to ingest, taste good, and make you feel amazing, a million times better than you could ever possibly feel simply from being drunk.

So what the fuck is it? Why is alcohol so popular? Taste blows, inebriation isn't all THAT great, other substances are just as available yet a fraction as popular...

It's gotta be the marketing right?
Can't stand the shit...

Beer, wine, liquor, all the same... I can't understand how anyone could honestly say "this tastes good" after having tasted literally any beer and just about all varieties of hard liquor..

They say it's an acquired taste... but I just don't get it. I've never had any kind of urge for anything alcoholic, even when I was a kid, my dad would give me sips of his beer every now and then and it would disgust the fuck out of me. Was never interested in drinking at parties or drinking underage or anything like that. I'm 23 years old and have been drunk twice my entire life, and to tell you the truth, the feeling of being drunk isn't even all that appealing... I've taken other substances that are much easier to ingest, taste good, and make you feel amazing, a million times better than you could ever possibly feel simply from being drunk.

So what the fuck is it? Why is alcohol so popular? Taste blows, inebriation isn't all THAT great, other substances are just as available yet a fraction as popular...

It's gotta be the marketing right?

Right... ppl c drinkn as the adult option.. I dont mind a beer at night but could do without drinkn for gud
Beer is great. I love traveling and tasting all different kinds from around the world. At first when I started drinking beer I too thought there was no point to it, just tasted bad and ruined my dinner. Now It's a different story, guess I aquired the taste. Plus alcohol is a good "going out" drug. It makes me energetic and ready to do anything, too much however will ruin your night and give your friends a good story
I was literally on the same boat as you 2 months ago... every beer tasted like piss. So when it came time to cut loose and get drunk I'd have shots so I can have less time tasting that nasty shit. So while ago I started drinking Pyramid beer because after having tasted their Apricot Ale, it wasn't half bad. Wasn't sweet, but just flavored rightly enough. Weeks go by of drinking that, I start drinking blue moons, and branch into Belgian White Ales (which are amazing)... sure enough about a week ago, we had no beer except for Miller Lite and Bud Light. Two cheap ass beers I've always had a loathing hatred for because they tasted like piss covered piss soaked in piss. We were running BHO oil and I couldn't smoke near my evaporating butane, and I couldn't leave my shit to toke inside so I said "fuck it" and grabbed a Bud Light.

I never believed in this acquired taste bullshit... but after weeks and weeks of drinking tasty flavored beers. I acquired a taste for it. Had a bottle of Bud Light last night playing pool at the bar and shit tasted like water. With some wheat and other strange flavors.

Believe it or not but... it is an acquired taste. I'm a believer now.
I was literally on the same boat as you 2 months ago... every beer tasted like piss. So when it came time to cut loose and get drunk I'd have shots so I can have less time tasting that nasty shit. So while ago I started drinking Pyramid beer because after having tasted their Apricot Ale, it wasn't half bad. Wasn't sweet, but just flavored rightly enough. Weeks go by of drinking that, I start drinking blue moons, and branch into Belgian White Ales (which are amazing)... sure enough about a week ago, we had no beer except for Miller Lite and Bud Light. Two cheap ass beers I've always had a loathing hatred for because they tasted like piss covered piss soaked in piss. We were running BHO oil and I couldn't smoke near my evaporating butane, and I couldn't leave my shit to toke inside so I said "fuck it" and grabbed a Bud Light.

I never believed in this acquired taste bullshit... but after weeks and weeks of drinking tasty flavored beers. I acquired a taste for it. Had a bottle of Bud Light last night playing pool at the bar and shit tasted like water. With some wheat and other strange flavors.

Believe it or not but... it is an acquired taste. I'm a believer now.

lol, I believe it, I just can't get past that initial first stage...

Maybe some day, damn..

I tried the hard alcohol thing too, that is a lot easier, and both times I got drunk was with liquor. First time I think was some shit called white Russian, tasted like a milkshake with vodka or something. The second time was Tequila, and its' weird because that was actually a little easier. I couldn't smell the shit for months after that without gagging though...

Another thing that always happens is I always think "why the fuck would I sit here and drink 2-5 beers to get drunk, which would take probably around 1-2 hours (as I can't drink SHIT, not even water, continuously like that, I need some chips or something at least to munch on) when I could smoke up this joint or this bowl and be stoned in 5 minutes?!" - makes no sense to me!
i dont drink beer,wine,cider etc i agree they taste like shit nothing nice about the flavour of them, now vodka with a nice mixer n lots of ice is another story lol
That's what I'm sayin' Balzac. And it takes too fuckin' long.

And all my friends who drink are such tools about it. They act like little kids, especially the girls, goddamn, like it's an excuse to be an idiot for the evening, they can just drink, be the dumb drunk girl, then later when they're sober blame it on the alcohol...

Beer pong is like the new thing around here too... What year is it again?
One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is that alcohol is not only an acquired taste but different people have different reactions to it based on their genetics. Some people are very turned off by alcohol while others are...well, alcoholics lol. For instance it has been found that Caucasian people have a higher tolerance for alcohol while Asian people have far less, not just because of body size but because of genetic makeup. So what have we learned today? That Asian chicks are cheap dates, woot! =)
Another thing that always happens is I always think "why the fuck would I sit here and drink 2-5 beers to get drunk, which would take probably around 1-2 hours (as I can't drink SHIT, not even water, continuously like that, I need some chips or something at least to munch on) when I could smoke up this joint or this bowl and be stoned in 5 minutes?!" - makes no sense to me!

I agree completely but, it's all because of the difference in the two substances and how they make me feel. I can't go out to a bar or club and socialize, just high. Impossible, the entire time I'd be on a different level than anyone else, so I wouldn't be talking much. Sure as hell won't be danicng high due to always wondering who watches me when I'm stoned. However, I go out and put a few Incredible Hulks in me and I'm all over the dance floor hollerin' at chicks breakin' it down. Social as hell, energetic, carefree... and most of all I'd much rather be drunk when shit pops off compared to being high. Yeah I'm more aware when I'm high but my judgement on engaging changes completely. I swing first when I'm drunk.

However friends houses, kick backs, my place, watching fights... blaze that shit up all day. Only when I'm out on the town trying to be social is when I get my drink on.

and people who play beerpong fucking piss me off. Just drink you asshole.
Oh man, i love beer, like a woman, can't get enough of the stuff. Love going and buying cases of various real ales. Teh flavours they can rbing out is amazing, although i will admit that i hate white beers, just tastes of damned apricots! Oh, and i don't like american beers either, havn't tried any small time producers, but the mass produced crap is just horrible and sweet. Truly like piss. Really enjoy a real good whiskey, people tend to want nothing more than Jack D though, which is piss as well. Not really a fan of wine and most other spirits are nasty, stomach can't handle em :p

As to getting drunk, well it's physically adictive, that's my issue, i will flat refuse to drink prior to 7pm because it just amkes me sleepy, all it does, so why the fook would i want champagne with my stocking on christmas morning, just gonna feel like shit in a couple of hours time. It's catch 22 for me though, i hate how much i drink, i hate waking up shitty, hate working with a pounding head, hate that it will cost me maybe my entire morning of doing anything productive. But at the same time i hate my life to an extent that jusst sitting around in my head is not a good thing. Weed knocks my alcohol consumption down a lot but not enough to please me.

It's all subjective though so :D i forever ask myself why the fuck anyone would bother with coffee. Tastes like shit and the caffein does bugger all and again, will just leave you feeling crapper a few hours later. I know, i'll have another cup!
yep just weedd for mee...

I can handle a couple good beers in a social situation though... definitely the european in me.. I can handle hard A in tinctures..that's about it.

I think I have a healthy balance on it. I mean I'm not social very often, so to say I'm a social drinker isn't a bad thing. those who socialize almost daily, calling themselves a social drinker is kinda like a nice way to call themselves a binge drinker or alcoholic...
I think it all taste like shit at first.But once you get used to it you drink it like its water.
I still cant drink whisky and grain alcohol lol.I really cant see why anyone would want to drink grain though.

Getting drunk is starting to get old.When I was 17,18 I would have a couple 40's in my fridge everyday but you get tired of feeling like shit from malt liquor hangovers,211 and natty give the worst.
I feel you dude

Fuck alcohol...

I love it when people diss me for smoking herb when they have a beer in their hand though :lol: never gets old