have I got a nute problem??

white widow rules

Active Member
Right I have a question for all you advance growers!! This is my third grow to date and seem to have a problem but not a problem. I'm 2 weeks into my flowering period and everything seems to be fine, I've recently purchased a bluelab nutrient truncheon to try and give me an advantage in my growing, after much messing about I bought some calibration soluton and tested the truncheon and it seems to be pretty fine, Ive tested my solution in my hydroponics and its reading 3.6ec (or higher as this is as far as the truncheon will read) which is extremely high I know, its been like this for about 4 days now and the plants dont seem to be showing any signs of burn and are seem to be growing fine. I'm worried that my plants are not fine because i read some where about the plants bein 2 green can show some signs of nute problems, is this corrrect? Im using ionic bloom and boost ph level of 6 temps and all the rest of it are fine, its afghan kush by the way, or so ive been told by the clone supplier. any views much appreciated


Well-Known Member
Any pics?:weed:

Its true, if the plants are light in their green color its a lack of nutes. If the leaves are a dark dark green they have been given too much. At least thats what it says in a couple vids and from what I read on here lol

Unless you have a strain like mine in the description it says "leaves will turn a dark profuse green in color" Then I'm not sure lol, are you giving full strength nutes?


Well-Known Member
They look magnificent.

You feed them more then the highest recommended dose? I usually half the recommended dose, they just want you to buy more :O
But they do look awesome :D

white widow rules

Active Member
Yea i put in about 10ml per ltr and it recommends 7.

Does this sound right though I went on growth technology website (people who make ionic) and it basically says
that there nutrient solution is made up of 95% water!! am i reading this right??


Well-Known Member
Yea i put in about 10ml per ltr and it recommends 7.

Does this sound right though I went on growth technology website (people who make ionic) and it basically says
that there nutrient solution is made up of 95% water!! am i reading this right??
Never heard of any nutes that are 95% water... what would be the point? Why not make it more concentrated so people don't have to lug around enormous jugs of water and feed it to their plants.

As for the color, I see no problem really. No yellowing around the leaves.... a nice dark green, maybe a TAD bit dark for my preference but really you have nothing to worry about.

As for Widow, be careful she isn't the most hungry plant I've grown. I won't come close to the reccomended dose on nutes... but you are listening to your plants not the people who make the product that makes them money - also each strain varies and sometimes even plant to plant you can see some variation.

I burnt my current widow grow (look at it in the indoor growing journal or search for my name) at about 640 1 weekinto flower.. .I had to back off to 600 and have worked my way slowly up to 730 since over the course of 1.5 weeks, and haven't increased it more than 30 PPM per watering.

I will max them out around 1000-1100 somewhere in week five depending on what they look like then and slowly go down from there.

Good luck I like seeing Widow grows to see what I have comin!!


Well-Known Member
Lastly the pheno you have in your garden matches my current project. Most of the Widows I've seen grown, have a more up and down growth the buds - a solid dense bud at the top and less developement on secondary growth areas. Check mine out and you'll see them look pretty similar... fairly tall with lots of branches.

white widow rules

Active Member
Here's what is on they're website what do yous think??

Ionic is a concentrated solution of mineral nutrients for plants in hydroponic growing systems. It contains less
than 5% w/v nitric acid.
May cause irritation of eye and skin due to the presence of nitric acid and low pH.
Nitric acid is classified as an oxidising and corrosive strong acid, but is in this product only present in a diluted
Name EC-No CAS-No Content Classification
nitric acid 231-714-2 7697-37-2 <5%
mineral salts
trace elements (mostly as chelates)
water circa 95%​