Have i over fert. My lemon purp plants????


i bought 3 different strains from the disp. grand daddy, cronic, and lemon purp. for about two weeks they all were doing fine. then i gave some fertilizer to them two days later only the lemon purp started to wilt, anyone have any clues?
water ph was a little high, i have now switched to purified water
cfl type lighting four inches away
reg soil with vermiculite
14-10 cycle of light
miracle grow
76-82 temp
in a garage right now before it goes into the grow shed that is going to be sealed


Active Member
first, change the lighting to at least 18 hrs on each day during veg. second, some strains require more food than others. also the miracle-gro isn't exactly the ideal food for pot. i did grow my first plant in it, but you will have lots of problems. if these are clones from the dispensary, i would think a reputable store would back them up with a free replacement... most i've shopped at offer this. if you have over-fertilized them, then you may take 1.5x the volume of the container of water and flush the excess nutrients out.