Have issues!! don't know what to do about colouring


I have 4 plants 5 or 6 weeks into flowering but I stressed them out hardcore snapped branches and messed it up with light cycle and it was a mess.. anyway I now have a nice big tent my setup isn't the greatest but its what I'm working with at the moment until I find a more permanent solution, I'm using all the right nutrients I believe (grow micro bloom and b-52 fertilizer and thrive alive) and I'm mixing to all the right measurements on the labels and still having issues. heres some pics and let me know what you think



Active Member
I had the same problem. I did a flush that leeches salt. (sledge hammer) then i ran fresh phd water 5.8 for 2 days and added cal-mag to my res change with full nutrients. The damage is not reversible. But it seemed to stop the spreading. It didnt affect all plants though and it did not look as bad as yours. I wonder what others think.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
soil...many types of it and all have a diff ph need and how can anyone advice without his facts of what hes doing..he may say feeds at right asmount but is it. maybe his idea of right isnt right. nothing on ph. no ppm of feeds. no type of medium no temps, no humidity....need to knwo all that as all that effects how it uptakes food.

maybe its soiless...2 diff ph needs again


Well-Known Member
He said he is following what the nute label says on how much to use .could he be over fertilizing? What type of soil and water? any ph readings?


I'm growing in soil, PH of soil is 6.8 the water I usually keep between 5.5 and 6.5. humidity is another problem, I can't keep it high enough, its hovering between dry and normal so I think around 50 or 60% I will let you know exactly when my light turns on tonight, tempurature goes to about 20 degrees light off and about 25 when its on. I'm a first time grower and decided to go big or go home and I don't want to be sent home. I also moved plants from a building to a house 2 weeks ago and they are still green on branch but some have red lining or purply lining, and I snapped a few branches, or bent them really bad but they are still green and have buds. I am now running on a really tight budget so I can't afford a whole bunch of anything yet but if anyone has ideas please send em my way

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
ok soil ph is ok, food is all over the place. needs to be tighter than that. in soil run at 6.3 for most strains. dont go from 5.5 to 6.5, thats a 100x times diff in strength to them. cant process food right that way. temps seem fine.
deffinatly stressed in there with 3 and single finger leaves. and has been a long time. is there any room fans to move air around to. looks kinda thick in there. if your testing the ph of the soil with one of them sticks set it aside and run water through till run off and test that. put ph to 6.3 and try that if its a stick or probe type.

the reason i go a bit further on my questions is so the person knows where they messed up and can change it next time instead of just telling them what to do to fix it. may help prevent it happening again if they know what they did wrong