Have people died from using vaporizers?


Well-Known Member
Hello, someone told me that people have died from using vaporizers, does anyone know if this is true? One story was about a man from texas who had a vaporizer that he used for tobacco not weed, AND DIED:fire::!: Have any of you heard anything like this:?:


Well-Known Member
maybe if you were straggled with the whip. :roll:

and tobacco does kill you.
LOL straggled.......Yeah man, strangled. I could see how someone could hyperventilate.

I'm off now, gonna straggle around looking for FDD


Well-Known Member
Hello, someone told me that people have died from using vaporizers, does anyone know if this is true? One story was about a man from texas who had a vaporizer that he used for tobacco not weed, AND DIED:fire::!: Have any of you heard anything like this:?:
did tht dude take his vape with him while he was taking a bath ? :wall:


Well-Known Member
Maybe a Legionnaires disease from funky mold in tube.. we put bong water on a petrie dish years ago ... some grim bio hazard looking stuff there..


Well-Known Member
hear about the man the one who came and went at the time??

its true he was 68 the girl was 16 dying in a pussy is better


Well-Known Member
fact: to die from marijuana you would have to smoke 15,000 joints in 20 minutes.
Yeah, that's true. If he did actually die it could have been from the tobacco. The carcinogens in some tobacco aren't just released by smoking it. People can get cancer from chewing tobacco.


Well-Known Member
vaporisers'''' have u seen cheech and chongs nice dreams seen when he leaves the vaporiser on the window a pidgon turns into a lizard thats fuked up shit