Have setup my New Indoor Setup with CFL - Advice / Suggestions Needed, thanks..

Hi All,

I'm new to the forum, but have read allot from here and based my setup roughly on what I've read here.

I've grown a few outdoor gardens which have yielded plenty, simple grows though, nothing professional, just chuck seeds in ground, water, nute, and wait sorta thing. Trouble with outdoor ofc is the "waiting", having no control over when to make them flower etc. So I decided to go indoor...

I have a small cupboard I'm using (just for the first grow / experiment).

My current setup:

Cupboard size: 1.8ft (W) x 1.8ft (L) x 2.3ft (H)

Reflection Lining: Entire cupboard is lined with those car wind-shield sun-visors, cut to size.

Lights: I'm using CFL's (for affordability and ease of heat control)
- 4 X 20w (1300lm each) installed in flood light housing (2 in each) for the built in downward reflection (to cover tops of plants)
- 2 X 45w (2500lm each) hanging from top of cupboard so they are next to the sides of the plants (to cover horizontal of plants)
- So that's a total of 10,200lm, on 18/6 and evenly spread around and about 2" from the plants/pots

Air Movement: I'm using two computer chassis fans (quite large ones), one pushing cold air in from the bottom and the other sucking warm air out from the top.

I have moved an already established outdoor seedling (roughly 5" tall atm) into the centre of the cupboard and have four small pots (soil) with 1 seed in each (hopefully they will germinate and pop-up in the next couple of days).

The existing plant has had a bit of pruning done, snipping the top and every second fan leaf in order to slightly shock into slower growth and to encourage bushing rather than stretching - its not a big deal if it doesnt make it, I just put in in there to see how it goes under CFL.

Right, so the temp is pretty much the same as outdoor temp, currently about 86F give or take. Though the humidity is very low, only about 11% (though again this is what I get when reading outside RH too). So it seems the cupboard is pretty much the same as outside now in terms of temp and RH.

1. Is my lighting good enough considering this is a small cupboard (I know there are too many plants 1 seedling plus 4 coming, but naturally, they will be culled when I know which are males)?
2. I know that the temp is "OKish" (cud be slightly lower - but outside temps are the same right now and there is no A/C in the room so can't really get that down further), how about that 11% RH? Is that going to be a problem? I've tried the wet paper towel idea but it hasn't done anything to the RH o_O.
3. Basically is this setup gonna work or are there any suggestions?

Thanks guys!