Have you ever seen a plant with a really odd texture.


i have the jack berry and a ko kush plant that are still growing but they have this odd texture and seem to be growing really slow. now i know you might say this guy just logged on here to get this answer and then he's gone. well i had another account on here that i have used for a year or so. i had to start this account for security reasons. now back to the point. i have looked for this texture online and on here and have not found a reason for it so here i am. the only thing i have to add is it seems to curl a little on all the leaves and i thought i had the light too close at the beginning of this but even new growth is doing this. the color seems fine also. so here is a picture and after i cook lunch i'll check back and see if i forgot anything in my post. thanks so much from the UK.... also the one in the middle is one that is ok.



Well-Known Member
When I hear "odd texture" and see small planters then overwatering comes to mind. Color is not good in your pics so hard to say for sure.


sorry about the picture so i will get somthing better for you guys. there are only two that look that way. theey look rough a little stunned growth but green. you know how they look under MH. I have a quick one for you guys. i have made a ez cloner and used it to put my 19 plants into after they came out of the propgation tray. now i used rapid rooter plugs. after i pulled them out of the tray i put them in there plugs into the 2" netpots with grow rocks. then this is where i realized that the plugs wouldn't be able to stay sprayed all the time like if i have the clones in there hanging getting sprayed all the time. So i guess i'm asking what i should have done or should do to water other than turning it on by hand 3 times a day like i do now. i have a 4x8 for them to go into. they aren't but 4" now so i could use some advice.


Well-Known Member
pics of your cloner would help but I`ve never needed to use rocks with plugs

If I`m totally honest I also sometimes cut the bottom out of a 2" net pot as I find then a root riot cube can be squeezed about 1/4 of the way out of the bottom of the net pot I then but a neoprene collier on the top of the pot to hold the pant in place you sometimes then find the stem now below the collier shoots out extra roots

My cloner and 2 of my veg boxes use ultra sonic foggers help younger plants grow faster the other 2 boxes I have a just plain old DWC

Roots do grow a bit faster in the aero boxes but the dwc`s are cheaper to make and they are more stable temperature wise.

As for your plants I can`t see the colour`s of them and your pics need to be clearer but I had some AK`s that came up really really hairy and with a leaf morph when they we`re young they looks like some kind of lettuce or herb but the weed at the end was banging so I only worry if growth slows a lot or stops.


sorry guys i will go and get a few pictures up seeing that everyone has taken the time to read this and try to help. anyways what i did was put the seeds in the plugs. after the taproots popped out i took them out of the prop tray. now the ez cloner is going to be a ezcloner but i am starting from seeds. i put the plugs in the two inch net pots cause the onlly other option would have been to use a 4x8 table. so i fiigured that when i transplant to the table i figured that i'd just only put the plugs a little below the water level of the table and that would take care of the plug controlling the water by sponging up water so much. i will then be cutting the bottoms out of the netty pots and this will let me use neoprens and the areoponics to clone them. what do you all think.