Well-Known Member
Have you ever grown a plant that from flowering to cutting to drying to curing that never lots any smell? I grew some dj shorts blue berry and when i harvested even when fully dry it reeked like nothing else and was tasted flushed and cured the day it hit the jars. Im talking 5 days from harvest the shit tasted and smoked smoother and sweeter than any other herb I have smoked and it hadn't even cured a day. I tried this with several other strains and sour diesel was the only other one that could be smoked still slightly moist without even a day of cure 4 or 5 days from harvest. That wasnt even close to the quality and flavors of the BB though. Just want some input, I already know you should cure a few weeks and I do that for my other strains, I have flowered over 10 strains already and have a perpetual harvest so plz dont flame , its a rare occurrence for me too to be able to smoke something so ripe off the vine but there has to be someone out there with the same experience with one of their strains or plants in the past.