Having trouble cloning


Well-Known Member
I’ve took several cuttings from three of my plants I got a few diff kinds of cloning gel to dip them in so far it seems their not dying but their deff not taking root either any suggestions I’m taking cutting cutting them and skiming the outside off with a razor and putting them in soil inside a plastic clear container and just laying it inside my veg tent any successful tips would be handy and appreciated..
When learning to clone, I think it's best to use a starter cube or peat puck. So that you can see roots once they emerge. That or an aero cloner.

After cutting be sure to put cutting in glass of water. Leaving them laying around allows transpiration which can suck an air bubble up into the xylem causing blockage and subsequent death.

The skinning thing you are doing is new to me but I understand why. I just make a few shallow cuts along each side of the bottom of cutting. Does the same thing. Gets root cloning hormone to the inner plant tissue.

Sometimes it's good to cut leaves in half to minimize transpiration. To minimize wilting. Should get roots in a week or so depending on strain.

That's all that comes to mind.
Thanks guys they deff don’t seem to be dying so I guess it may just take another week or so and I’m gonna give the cubes a try as well as soon as I can I bought another tent and an awesome LED and no clones to start it up lol
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Hi Smitty,
Glad they're hanging in there. Without getting into root esoterics...it's a good idea to try and match your starter media to your main media. Eg. rockwool best for hydro, peat good for soil, you can even buy coco starter cubes if that's your media.
When you cut dip it in the water you have 10 sec then 45angle did fast in water then gel or powder in close doom 3 days open the dome 3o sec everyday then open the top vent or leave the top not 100%cover for a week then 10 day pass take out cover and look if they need water no nute help the root if they look bad put back cover vent open a day or 2 and take it out again.