HazeyBee's 1st Grow


Day 0 to 1

Here it is, my first grow.

Stealth, Limited Space, Limited Funds. Growing in a somewhat stealth cabinet, in my closet, in my room, in a basement.
Picked up 10 hybrid seeds from my local shop. It's their own strain called Black Sparrow 30/70 if I remember correctly.


Here's my cabinet: L 62cm W 41cm H 62cm

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Throw some Aluminum Tape on the walls and fashion a door.

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Germinate some seeds. Took 48 hours. Planted one seed. Shut the door and wait 24 hours!

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It's like magic! Close up shop and pretend it's just some more junk.


Remember to pick up a second pot to plant this sprout tomorrow! Find a small plug in fan as well to get some air circulating, although the temp is pretty good... Like a warm summer day in there.

I welcome any positive feedback. This is a budget stealth grow. Ventilation will be a small fan, and later a duct booster simply to move air. I will not be purchasing an in-line fan with scrubber because they're simply too damn loud. I have to take my chances with smell, and if I can't control it I will sadly abort.

Filtration will be done with mini carbon filter air fresheners inside, and ona gel placed outside the grow box.

Current lighting are two florescent tubes 5000k. For flowering I have two CFL's at 2700k.

This is my first legit grow. I tried a few years ago above my ceiling tile, got a sprout, a few leaves... then freaked out that I would get caught and transplanted it outside. It died shortly after and I never tried again.

Wish me luck! This grow is to help me get through my Hep C treatment and keep me occupied and distracted from these god awful side effects.
I currently don't smoke because I have no connections to buy so I thought I'd try growing some myself. I'm not concerned about yield, just the experience.

I am looking at getting a license for the duration of my treatment, but that will be known next week.



Aw, so I tore the root on the second sprout when I transplanted it into it's new pot. It WAS looking great, until I checked an hour later and it was face down in the dirt.

I threw another seed in there, should sprout in a couple days. I'm kicking myself for not being more careful.


Plant 1 is looking beautiful though... I think.


Active Member
Hey HazeyBee nice stealth cabinet. Do you plan on flowering in there as well?

edit: saw you're on the interfuron(sp?) treatment...I had 2 buddies go through that and I know it can be hell... hang in there and you'll at least have some quality meds at least. I'm failry new as well, but will try to help if I can.



Still waiting for Plant 2 to sprout up. I've decided to name Plant 1 Julia from George Orwell's 1984.


Hey HazeyBee nice stealth cabinet. Do you plan on flowering in there as well?
Yes I will be flowering in there as well. When it comes time to flower, I will be hanging my CFL's on either side of the plants. I might add a third one and takeout the florescent tubes I have in there now. It all depends on how well they veg out and if I LST them properly. I SHOULD have enough height to get some decent buds, but we'll see!

Thanks for the support, it means a lot.

I'm also currently in contact with a BC medical facility to get me started on medical marijuana to help with my treatment. It sounds like that will take a couple months to get everything submitted though. I may only have it for the last bit of treatment, but that's okay too --- I already want to quit, and it can help me get past the finish line!


Active Member
what up Hazey, was away for a few days or woulda got back at ya. If it were me I'd go to either waterboy or b&b and grab some of the t5HO fixtures and use them rather than cfls. buddy of mine uses them and they seem to put out a lot of good light, and becuase they're so low profile they will only take like 3" of your space at the top...cfls are good for sidelight though. Also a scrog may be a good option for you if the height is a problem. Did you get your seeds from vintage?

edit: looking at your soil I'd say you need some perlite in there. So when you transplant mix some in with your medium.


Day 5

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The second sprout is coming through the soil now, should be up tomorrow. Little growth on Julia.

Day 6

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Sprout has popped up and even greater growth on Julia.


what up Hazey, was away for a few days or woulda got back at ya. If it were me I'd go to either waterboy or b&b and grab some of the t5HO fixtures and use them rather than cfls. buddy of mine uses them and they seem to put out a lot of good light, and becuase they're so low profile they will only take like 3" of your space at the top...cfls are good for sidelight though. Also a scrog may be a good option for you if the height is a problem. Did you get your seeds from vintage?

edit: looking at your soil I'd say you need some perlite in there. So when you transplant mix some in with your medium.
Hey Budder, thanks for the tips.
Right now I'm running a small Florescent high-bay fixture... It's got two Philips F20T/Natural Sunlight (5000k) 20watt
I know more light is better... so what I could do is get some additional CFL's in that range and just hook them up now for the extra light. I really don't want to purchase another fixture (budget).

I'll definitely be doing a scrog / LST once they've grown up a bit.

Head2Head is my shop. I've never met kinder people, and they've always given me discounts and deals just for buying more than one thing. Tim's a chill guy, lots of fun to talk to... full of information and always willing to help out. I picked up their Black Sparrow Hybrid. So my loyalty will always be with them ;)
The guys at vintage are nice too but I always get a friendlier vibe at H2H --- just personal preference I guess.

I know people say not to use MG soils, but that's what I had so I went ahead and used it. Like I said before, this is just learning experience for me so if quality and yield turn out horrible then I'm not too worried so long as I make it to the end! MG Moisture Control 0.18-0.10-0.10
This stuff does seem to have become a bit dense after watering so I think some perlite would help loosen it up and breath better... We'll have to see.


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Julia continues to show good growth. P2 seems a little bit slow. I noticed the stem and leaves are darker in colour than Julia was at that age. I don't know if that means anything, but I will ignore it for now. I watered them on day 1 and P2 on day 3 (when I placed the new seed for P2). I haven't watered them since because this is a moisture holding soil and the pots are still decently heavy --- surface is damp.

I think I will pick up some CFLs tomorrow in the 5000-6000k range to give these guys some extra energy. I have the sockets for them, but only 2700K bulbs.

Question: Right now they are vegging with two florescent tubes 5000k 40w combined. What kind of CFL's should I get to compliment this?


Active Member
Hey Hazey nice to see both of em still living! I don't how many times I've killed seedlings hahaha.

I'm not sure about the 5000K bulbs, I would suppliment with 6500K when you get more bulbs. If you have the room I have a 48" 4 tube t5HO fixture that I could part with for a good price.

edit: it's still brand new in the box never opened, and has 4 54W 6700K tubes


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We have lift-off!


I'm not sure about the 5000K bulbs, I would suppliment with 6500K when you get more bulbs. If you have the room I have a 48" 4 tube t5HO fixture that I could part with for a good price. edit: it's still brand new in the box never opened, and has 4 54W 6700K tubes
I'll be getting some 6500K today or tomorrow to help them out.
Thanks very much for the offer. Unfortunately I'm constrained to the small cabinet and that fixture is just a little too big.


Active Member
Ah gotcha. I still recommend the 24" t5HO from waterboy. I think they are $30.00/ea including the bulb, they are pretty sweet lights


Day 15

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Burnt plant 1.

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Healthy plant 2. 3 days behind plant 1.

There was a bit of an incident. I threw on the CFL's and strung them off to the side, mainly to just throw more light around the cabinet. I didn't have ventilation running because I thought they would be alright throughout the night. The heat was way too much for them, and the lights were way too close to the plants.

I ended up burning plant 1, lost a leaf and the two little sprout leaves (not that they matter). Plant 2 made out okay with no damage.
Growth stunted for 2 days, but in the past 24 hours there's been good growth. What you see is way better than what they were looking after overheating.

I'm not really sure if I'll LST. I sort of want to just let them veg for 2 more weeks as is, then flower them.
I'll check the growth in a week, and decide then...

In my next grow, I will definitely have to upgrade the lighting. I'll veg them under CFL and I will need to figure out a better way to silently move the air. Things to think about... This is a great learning experience.

Also, came across this great documentary in case you haven't seen it... It's Canadian


Active Member
never seen it, but I have a feeling I just may watch that later. sucks about your heat issues man, did you hook a fan up yet? As far as lst, I'd say you should wait a while till there a little bigger, at least a couple weeks. and as far as flowering goes, wait till you see at least 6 nodes I'd say.


Day 20

Plant 1
[TOP] http://i.imgur.com/WHvkKUS.jpg
[SIDE] http://i.imgur.com/IpEOjQh.jpg
[ANGLE] http://i.imgur.com/elebRGX.jpg

Plant 2
[TOP] http://i.imgur.com/WOaGGmX.jpg

Sorry, the usual way of posting images isn't working for me. I'm not sure why... shockwave issues.
I will transplant them into a bigger pot sometimes during the next few days. I see some roots poking out the bottom.

Aside from perlite, is there anything else I should add to the soil? I don't plan on using nutes unless I see any physical problems. I'm doing my best to avoid doing too much like I seem to observe many others doing. It's a weed right? It has basic needs, but they know how to survive.

Any suggestions?


Active Member
shit they're looking good now hazey! I don't really know anything about soil so I can't recommend anything, I'm in sunshine #4 using all chemical ferts. Check in the soil section and I'm sure you'll find some answers for what to add there.


Day 23

Plant 1

Plant 2

Plant 1 and 2

Not much new to report. The big guy is startin' to stink good. That earthy / plant smell. Love it.
Smell's not much of a problem, contained to my closet and only noticeable when I check on them.

I'm starting to get eager... I know I'm months away from any sort of taste test, but I've never made it this far growing before. It's a great feeling.

Been dry for well over a year... Smoked twice in the past 3 years. I'm vaguely remember what it's like.
Waiting for a friend to pull through and help me out in my time of need. Good ol' unreliable friends!

That itch to get started again is intense. I miss my vape, I miss my pipes (many of which are gone now), I miss the whole hobby! Good Times. High Times.

Not to mention that itch from treatment... Holy hell Telaprevir is an incredibly annoying medication. Fuck Hep C!
My gallbladders kickin' me real good too... Might be in for more than I bargained for.


Active Member
oooh yeah now they're coming. Looks like you could start your lst any time I think.
And ya aint it awesome actually getting something to grow! I don't know how many times I fucked up and killed clones/seedlings, and I can tell you the first harvest is both exciting and nerve racking! I'm looking forward to watching these nice ladies grow up!