headache from unflushed weed?


Well-Known Member
So I recently picked up some bud from a buddy of mine. He got it from a friend who was growing indoors. This harvest however, he got a little scared cuz of some stuff and had to pull his plants a little early to get rid of some evidence. Not too early though (I even found a seed on one of the stems lol). The buds are young but still smokeable. Last night I smoked a lot of it and I got a huge headache. I felt like the back of my brain was being ripped out.

I was wondering, could the the fact that the grower didn't get a chance to flush his harvest before picking and curing have anything to do with it?


Well-Known Member
I dont know but if he was putting a bunch of chemicals in it im sure its not a good idea to be smoking it. Depending if he used organic stuff or not.

Do you know what nutes/chemicals he was using to grow them with?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm not sure if he did organic or not. I dunno why you would do anything other organic personally. I figured that since he didn't get to flush, whatever nutes he was using were probably still very abundant in his weed which probably caused me to get a headache.

I bought an 1/8 of it and this is the first time I've gotten a headache from it (probably smoked about half of it). Would drinking have to do with it? I also had a beer while I smoked. My headache was kinda similiar to the spins. The only reason I'm so concerned is my head still hurt this morning when I woke up.


Well-Known Member
well I would say hit a bowl of it now. and if you get another head ache then screw it. then go and sell the other grams away. make some money 25 bucks a pop around here. If its good looking dro.


Well-Known Member
What kind of beer did you drink?
regular budweiser. I only drank one so I don't really think that's the problem. I just figured Id throw it in there so you'd know what else was going on.

And to Moj. I was kind of thinking the same thing. I'll probably have a bowl by itself after work and if its the same thing again then I'll just sell it to my little bro's friends rofl. Usually I smoke a decent bowl and gets me right where I wanna be, but last night I smoked two successively. So maybe that's part of it too.


Active Member
Personally I've never gotten a headache from unflushed buds however I have from uncured buds. Do they smell green?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they smell like fresh cut grass and mint. That could be the case that they weren't cured properly. Like I said my friend pulled his harvest early and gave them to my dealer, who in turn sold them to me. So it wouldn't suprise me if they didn't get proper curing time.


Active Member
yeah dude pop those buds in a glass jar for about 3-5 days at least (a week or two is best). Just open the jar for a few minutes to let some stale air escape a few times a day and it will be way stronger and headache free. oh and it'll smell like bud and not your front yard.


Well-Known Member
I dont flush at all,i gave up on it completely,no bad taste,no harsh smoke,no sore throat & never a head ache & i dont grow organic,nitrogen is nitrogen ect,what your smoking is seriously premature buds,having a seed in the bud is not an indicator of maturity,seeds form very fast once pollination happens,much faster than bud growth,sounds to me like they are a month or better to early,that'll give you a head ache every time.


Well-Known Member
OK that totally makes sense than. So definitely putting them in a jar and burping them will age them a bit more?


Well-Known Member
I think it was your combo of budwiser and weed,lately iv'e not been able to do shit and drink bud it gives me a horrid headache,one that lasts into the next day.I wonder if they are fucking with the beer.:confused: