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Well-Known Member
some douche bag kids stole both of my fucking plants. i am so angry words cannot even describe. there is a round pot print right next to the hole where the thai skunk used to be. and they dug a big ass hole where the arjans haze was. i seriously would kill people to get my babies back. i feel like my children have been kidnapped. its also not helping that i gotta wait til next season to start all over again. sorry for the pointless thread i just needed to vent. now i understand why indoor is so appealing.


Well-Known Member
stupid fuckin kids, that shit probably had a few small budsites and a handfull of pistils, but its a total waste of your plants! id help you hunt them down and see if we could save your babies


were was you growing them. if anywere but on your property imo thats fair game.


a thief is a thief! if they don't belong to them, then they shouldn't have taken them. to bad he couldn't have caught them in the act!

if i owned alot of land and some fool planted shit on my property guerilla grow style i would cuff those plants up real fast oi dont give a fuck if u wanna call me a thief or not. were was u growing the plants?

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
if i owned alot of land and some fool planted shit on my property guerilla grow style i would cuff those plants up real fast oi dont give a fuck if u wanna call me a thief or not. were was u growing the plants?
not calling you a thief! and I agree, if it was on my property, then too bad for whoever. I guess he needs to say where they were to clear things up a little.


Well-Known Member
not calling you a thief! and I agree, if it was on my property, then too bad for whoever. I guess he needs to say where they were to clear things up a little.
i have a somewhat large area of woods next to my house where i had the plants and i still live with my parents while im goin to the local college but the guy who sold us our house owns the land next door. he never ever visits this land (he's around 70 yrs old and also crippled from a recent stroke) and im the only one who ever goes on it other than my lil bro who likes to paintball there like once every few months. we pretty much consider the land our own. the house on the other side of the woods is just the foundation of a house since it burnt down 10+ years ago. the owner of this property has been recently mowing a path from his land through the woods to my lake while he legally has no lake access but i guess just thinks he can whatever he wants. my lil bro saw 3 guys and 1 girl all around 20 yrs old standing around the arjans haze and judging from how loud my dog was barking last night they came and snagged em both at night. the thing that i dont understand is that when my bro saw these kids he said they werent trying to hide or anything and that they acted like they were perfectly allowed to just stand around my plant. from that info i figured out they dont know me cause if they did they'd be making sure to avoid me seeing them since the plant is pretty visible from my house. so technically the land is not mine but its more mine than anyone else other than the official owner since my dad has known him his entire life. the thing i know for sure is that whoever mowed that path through the woods is the one who spotted the plants and got his goons over to help steal em. so my plan is to wait until he mows the lawn again and then ima confront him and see whatsup.


Well-Known Member
fuck those kids. i hope the plants don't bud and die.

if you can't enjoy the smoke you grew, they shouldn't be able to
tbo i hope they give these kids know what theyre doing and harvest a ton of bud and get cocky and slip up tryna sell it all and get fucked over wit the law.


Well-Known Member
so i found out who stole my plants. its the kid whos family owns the property next to mine. i told him if i dont get back what belongs to me im settin his fucking house on fire.

Best of 7

I feel you man, I recently had 15+ plants ripped. But I feel that we can learn from this, whether it be finding a better spot next year, or being more discreet about visiting...Just make sure to make it rain next year to make up for this.
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