heat in closet?


Active Member
i have a small closet using a 400 watt mh right now for vegging,but the heat hits 95 at times.
my Qs is..I'm using mylar and was told white paint would be cooler,would this work?what am i suppose to do with the 25 ft of mylar i bought?

Always And Forever 420:blsmoke:


Active Member
i have a fan in there,and one fan pulling air out and one pushing air in.i'm using bathroom vent fans that push out all kinds of air.
would a glass lens over my reflector reduce the heat that much to make a difference?
no vent on my relector also.
what bulb is best?
im using hortilux is that best?
then 800 hortilux for flowering should i keep the 400 mh also during flowering or switch all together?
Thanks,I Promise to Smoke Chronic to the Day that I Die :mrgreen::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
the ventalation u have in there is not good enough to handle them high temps. either upgrade ventalation or maybe get a mini air cooler. the heat will affect ur plant and effect the end result.


Well-Known Member
im really comfused about mylar. i use it coz i heard its the best. they got some diamond mylar which is meant to be better than normal mylar but its soooo expensive. a lil cheaper on ebay tho. but i av also heard on the jorge cervantes dvd that flat white paint is good to use.and cheaper...

I think for my next grow i'll buy a grow tent. it will be alot plain & simpler


Active Member
ya i was thinking a tent or using a spot in my shed but winter is coming and im worried about the cold so i think im staying inside for right now.
really need my room mate to move out...lol:leaf: