Heat stress? Nute stress? Days of research and still clueless. Have a look

John Buddz


AK-48, week 7. Outdoors, 3 gallon pot, 3/4 FF Ocean Forrets & 1/4 perlite. FF Grow big, big bloom, and superthrive every other watering. They get 5.5 hours of direct sun and past 2 weeks have been 95 to over 100 degrees, heat wave, and damn humid.

Healthy lookin except for the spots and look awesome from a distance.The spots and browning at the leaf bas started in week 5 just after i started the superthrive and shortly after i introduced nutes. I alos use organic pesticide made from peppermint, rosemary, clove, and thyme oils sprayed on every 3 - 4days.

I've foliar fed and soil fed to treat magnesium and calcium def with no success... just moe browning. So now i think it may be the heat.

...and I've never seen browning at the base in a few grows and could find no refernce to it in my research.

Any thoughts???



How often are you feeding? Kinda looks like nute burn. I believe if it was heat stress the edges of the leaves would be more consistently burnt. Id hold back on the nutes. They look ok other than the burns.

John Buddz

Nutes go in about every 3-5 days at half strength. I was thinking about flushing and then waiting to see if the browning stops or slows. Thanks for your input.


Active Member
Your set up sounds fine and those pics could be interpreted several different ways. Do the flush so u can see if it is nute burn or not. If not, hopefully by then u get symptoms that point to the problem more clearly.

Heat stress usually affects from the top down, in the pic with the most damage the leaf doesn't appear to be at the top and the damage is inconsistent....doesn't seem like heat stress 2 me. That's a nute problem.

I think you'll need a heavy weight on this one.

The Potologist

Active Member
Heat issues are really rare. Its usually either burn or nothing. Especially in the outdoors heat stress is a rarity. I would give her a good flush with some distilled or spring water and take it from there. Foliar spray can also cause burn spots and such...It maybe a good idea to stop spraying them and see what that does.

Peace, Love, and Happiness


Well-Known Member
aww it looks like to me. that u sprayed water or u got a passing shower on a hot day. and the water droplets on the leaves cooked parts of it not a big deal. ok one thing thats going to hurt your yeild is the 3 gallon pot. for a outside crop that has a 3 month veg. the plant will be big and us up alot of the nut in the soil. i would put them. in bigger pots right when summer ends. or if u have them in perlit mix that drains well ur going to have to feed them alot. other then that they look great.


Well-Known Member
im almost 100 percent that its nute burn. it doesnt look all that bad though. did you switch brands or increase? try starting a little lower than half and moving back up.


Active Member
I dunno .. I agree with the burn spot post .. it looks like it been foiler fed in the hot part of the day and made burn spots ... I could be wrong of course .. but thats what it looks like to me. May try only foiler feeding a bit before the darktime a bit to see .. it may really be that simple . they very healthy though , i cant see where it would change your outcome any at this point unless it got a got worse : ) .... good luck - hope it all works out well for ya