heating problems


hi all ive just started my new grow and i am having a few problems with my heat or lack of it. as i am doing a stealth grow i a small space i dont have any space for a bulky heater. my plants are at seedling stage at the min and am growing under flouresent tubes but they dont give out much wamth. what i wanna no is if i were to put a indecesant light buld in there but just as a small source of heat or would this affect the plant as i no they are no good for growing.


Well-Known Member
an incandescent bulb will screw up your dark period, it that's what you're planning to do
you must have a 'dark heat' source, some folks use heating pads or such


Well-Known Member
I would always have a few warm daylight spec around these will add the heat needed.But rather than takeing ant of the lighting out and changeing the tubes just add some wall mounted cfl's get warm daylight spec again though.Sound's like you have just got cool tubes.