

has anyone heard of this Heatstopper?

there was an in-store demo today at one of the local shops, this little disc seemed to actually work!
Price is a little steep its gonna be a little while before i get it, but it made the heat spreader look like absolute crap.
Anyone try this thing? i didn't have time to stay and look more at it but im curious how close i can actually get it to the lights?


Nice rack, and the term is cannabis :) lol

i checked out their website, the same guys had another demo at a different shop in the area and I went and checked it out. this thing looks looks like just a space-age piece of glass, simple mounting bracket, blahblah. but it actually worked. This was a pretty reputable shop , and they just used a store display they had. THEY HAD THE STORE DISPLAY TOMATO 6" FROM A 1000w MH, NO BURN!?

dude busted out a heatgun, and showed the bulb over 600 degrees, and when he shot it through their glass, it dropped UNDER 200, i'm talkin 150, maybe 200. next yeild out I'm serious picking up a few of these up, well maybe one at a time until I can afford more, but this thing makes all those heatspeaders look like shit, apperently guy said it blocked less light than the hood glass, and you could stick your hand in front and feel the difference, its obvious its like having a heatspreader but without the light loss. fucking incredible.


plantlightmfg.com check shit out, not bad they don't sell direct though, have to buy through store. I'll post up when i grab one, i can't wait :)