Heavy drooping of leaves


Active Member
I am growing for the first time with cfls in a box I made. A couple of days ago they started to droop heavily and I haven't watered them since. The bottom leaves are also developing brown patches, curling up, and starting to die. I figured that it was overwatering but now the veins of the stem as well as all of the leaf stocks have turned a deep purple/red. Is this a nute deficiency or could it be from the overwater? My plants are about 4 weeks old and I'm worried. They look like they might not make it at this point. I just started using a fish emulsion a couple of weeks ago (5-1-1) and have been putting about 100mLs of a mixed solution along with 100-200mLs of water. Is there anything I can do to save them at this point or have I totally botched up the entire grow?



Active Member
too much heat probably... i had the same prob with my plants

move the lights away from plants for a while, and get a lot more ventilation/fans on those bitches

also, you might try layin off as much nutes, give em plain water for atleast a week

if you are workin with an enclosed grow box, you can also up the humidity pretty easily by just adding a bowl off water. i put a few paper towels in the bowl to soak up some of the water so there is more surface area of water to be evaporated. i made these adjustments and my plants stopped curling up and turning brown, and the new growth later that weak was healthy...


Well-Known Member
is it cool in your box when the lights are off ?....it might just be a change in temps. i know where i am its starting to get a bit chilly at night & mine started to get the reddish coloring to the leafs & stems.

i got no real answers here so i did other searchings & the best i found out was that the people who used to live downstairs from me left alot of outside plants & flowers planted in the yard. i took a peek at them & found that almost all had developed this coloring, made some look very pretty too. i also remember some 1 saying they were growing a purple strain that they usualy grow outdoors & they used to get a pretty pinkish-purpleish color when it got chilly out & wanted to know if they could get the same affect simulating the chilly weather with an air conditioner.

mine started turning red a couple weeks ago when it started getting chilly at night but went back to normal after a few warmer nights, after a chilly night last night they were light red again this morning.

as far as the overwatering is concerned thats usually an easy fix, just stop watering for a few days. in the future start taking note of how much water your plant uses at certain stages in its growth. as it gets bigger it undoubtedly uses water alot faster than when it was smaller but don't over do it & also take note of your soil & how well it retains water also has to be taken into account...when you transplant remember that you now have more soil in there than b4 & it may retain a lil longer leading to less frequent watering....just some things i learned during my 1st grow in which i'm still in the middle of.

hope this helps a bit, PEACE


Active Member
I have a thermometer in my box so I try to keep the temperature at about 75F. Thats with lights on. I recently added another bulb as well as a fan and the fan is on even when the lights aren't so the temperature may be dropping too low. I've changed it so that the lights and fan are on the same timer and I'm hoping that that will help.

The purple-ish coloring is new. Is it supposed to develop late or is it another sign of me being a shitty botanist? Its showing on the AK-47 the most if that helps.

Also, I'm not sure how often/much I'm supposed to water them exactly. Like I said I try to water them only when the soil is wet, but I just transplanted them to bigger pots and I'm trying to keep them on a strict every 3 day schedule. They are 4 weeks old to the day and range from 6-8 in.

Any suggestions would really help, I'm quite inexperienced at this point.

Thanks again,