Well-Known Member
Ok, here's my story. I am a current heavy smoker. When I have to pass a drug screen I use a trusted friend's clean pee and pass. Received an offer for a job that I really really want and need. Had no worries as my friend was already alerted and had clean pee ready for me.
Then I got the email...and then a second email.. for a drug test. Gave the employer a call to let them know I received two emails with two different registrations numbers.... she said, "Yes, there are two tests, both urine and hair." I said Oh, ok, no problem, I'll take care of both tomorrow." then I hung up and had a heart attack!
It was Monday, I had to test on Wednesday.
WTF to do?
So I researched my little heart out... found the Jerry G method, didn't like the science behind it and kept looking. Found hair bleaching and kept looking because there was no way I was damaging my waist long pretty brown hair (I'm a girl)
Kept looking... found nothing with the science to back it up..... VERY reluctantly came back to hair bleaching.
Found the science behind it:
Decided I couldn't keep all three.... the hair, the job, the weed and somebody had to be sacrificed. Too late to say goodbye to my favorite and only medicine sooooo.... I figured I had to at least try.
I am female, 5'5", 120lbs and have very long straight fine brown hair.
Research says that at least 30% of the metabolites are removed each chemical process to the hair. Bleaching removing the most (40-60%) and dying on the lower 30% end. I figured I'd need 3 processes to be sure.
Let me first say that this method works best on fine light hair... coarser curlier hair is much more difficult to penetrate. Relaxers are recommended for black curly hair. (These tests are absolutely racially biased as Asian and Black hair naturally holds higher concentrations of metabolites and it is harder to remove them.)
Process One (Bleach):
I bleached once with Wella powder lightener mixed with 40 volume developer. (This strength is way to high for most hair, i would typically use 20). I had it on for 30 full mins before I saw and felt burning (fucking smoke) ... washed it out with plain water for several mins. then some Dawn dish soap and lots more water.
My hair was taxi YELLOW with bright orange streaks.....
Process Two (Bleach):
after I cried for a while and got a night's sleep. I bleached it again. This time for another 30 mins. I did not touch the scalp w the bleach this time... got as close as possible but avoided the roots as they had gotten seriously fried the first time. No smoke this time, used ION powder lightener with the 40 Vol Developer. Apparently ION is much gentler... also I did not cover my hair or pile it up on my head like I did the first time.... it came out a very pale blonde. I called it 'white trash' blonde.
-- Acid Protein Treatment... I call this the 'mini-process' because the acidic treatment is the same as what's recommended in the vinegar/clean and clear method (Jerry G) . I did it because my hair stylist (sympathetic to the cause) told me to do it in between the bleaching and coloring to make sure my hair didnt fall out. I used an ApHogee single pack protein treatment from Sally's for like three bucks. I used only the Part 1 portion which is intended to 'open the hair shaft' so that Part 2 can penetrate and moisturize... saving Part 2 for after the redye.
Process Three (3 1/2) (Redye):
Ready for anything at this point and my hair feels like straw. No scalp damage.. just horribly dry and irritated. Applied a dark blonde ... could very well have used brown but figured what the hell. Left it on for 40 mins, rinsed well with water, then applied the Part 2 protein conditioner.
Figured I had done all that I can do... test was the next day.
Went to Labcorp. Waited for the rude receptionist to take my forms... the test lady was pretty cool and felt bad about cutting my hair. She took it from about 7 different places so she wouldn't have to take too much from one place. they want 120 strands. They lean the scissors right up against your scalp and chop... they do not pluck as I had thought previously.... they test the hair cortex (inner shaft), not the follicle.
Next was the urine test. Easy peasy, bathroom with a lock on the door. No running water, blue dye in the toilet.... had my little sample sized bottle of clean pee positioned Very uncomfortably against where it would stay the warmest. Dumped the pee in the spec cup, few dabs in the toilet for show (not necessary) and it was over.
Everything was accepted, ok'd and initialed.
Day 8 is tomorrow and I have not heard from a med resource officer or my employer. I am sure I would have heard by now if the urine was a fail but I dont know about hair. I'm not worried about the urine anyway.
I figure I'll call the employer on Friday if I haven't heard anything to check on all of the pre-employment screenings (there were a lot).
I'm feeling pretty positive but this wait is killing me. I will post my results as soon as I know.
Then I got the email...and then a second email.. for a drug test. Gave the employer a call to let them know I received two emails with two different registrations numbers.... she said, "Yes, there are two tests, both urine and hair." I said Oh, ok, no problem, I'll take care of both tomorrow." then I hung up and had a heart attack!

WTF to do?
So I researched my little heart out... found the Jerry G method, didn't like the science behind it and kept looking. Found hair bleaching and kept looking because there was no way I was damaging my waist long pretty brown hair (I'm a girl)
Kept looking... found nothing with the science to back it up..... VERY reluctantly came back to hair bleaching.
Found the science behind it:
Decided I couldn't keep all three.... the hair, the job, the weed and somebody had to be sacrificed. Too late to say goodbye to my favorite and only medicine sooooo.... I figured I had to at least try.
I am female, 5'5", 120lbs and have very long straight fine brown hair.
Research says that at least 30% of the metabolites are removed each chemical process to the hair. Bleaching removing the most (40-60%) and dying on the lower 30% end. I figured I'd need 3 processes to be sure.
Let me first say that this method works best on fine light hair... coarser curlier hair is much more difficult to penetrate. Relaxers are recommended for black curly hair. (These tests are absolutely racially biased as Asian and Black hair naturally holds higher concentrations of metabolites and it is harder to remove them.)
Process One (Bleach):
I bleached once with Wella powder lightener mixed with 40 volume developer. (This strength is way to high for most hair, i would typically use 20). I had it on for 30 full mins before I saw and felt burning (fucking smoke) ... washed it out with plain water for several mins. then some Dawn dish soap and lots more water.
My hair was taxi YELLOW with bright orange streaks.....
Process Two (Bleach):
after I cried for a while and got a night's sleep. I bleached it again. This time for another 30 mins. I did not touch the scalp w the bleach this time... got as close as possible but avoided the roots as they had gotten seriously fried the first time. No smoke this time, used ION powder lightener with the 40 Vol Developer. Apparently ION is much gentler... also I did not cover my hair or pile it up on my head like I did the first time.... it came out a very pale blonde. I called it 'white trash' blonde.
-- Acid Protein Treatment... I call this the 'mini-process' because the acidic treatment is the same as what's recommended in the vinegar/clean and clear method (Jerry G) . I did it because my hair stylist (sympathetic to the cause) told me to do it in between the bleaching and coloring to make sure my hair didnt fall out. I used an ApHogee single pack protein treatment from Sally's for like three bucks. I used only the Part 1 portion which is intended to 'open the hair shaft' so that Part 2 can penetrate and moisturize... saving Part 2 for after the redye.
Process Three (3 1/2) (Redye):
Ready for anything at this point and my hair feels like straw. No scalp damage.. just horribly dry and irritated. Applied a dark blonde ... could very well have used brown but figured what the hell. Left it on for 40 mins, rinsed well with water, then applied the Part 2 protein conditioner.
Figured I had done all that I can do... test was the next day.
Went to Labcorp. Waited for the rude receptionist to take my forms... the test lady was pretty cool and felt bad about cutting my hair. She took it from about 7 different places so she wouldn't have to take too much from one place. they want 120 strands. They lean the scissors right up against your scalp and chop... they do not pluck as I had thought previously.... they test the hair cortex (inner shaft), not the follicle.
Next was the urine test. Easy peasy, bathroom with a lock on the door. No running water, blue dye in the toilet.... had my little sample sized bottle of clean pee positioned Very uncomfortably against where it would stay the warmest. Dumped the pee in the spec cup, few dabs in the toilet for show (not necessary) and it was over.
Everything was accepted, ok'd and initialed.
Day 8 is tomorrow and I have not heard from a med resource officer or my employer. I am sure I would have heard by now if the urine was a fail but I dont know about hair. I'm not worried about the urine anyway.
I figure I'll call the employer on Friday if I haven't heard anything to check on all of the pre-employment screenings (there were a lot).
I'm feeling pretty positive but this wait is killing me. I will post my results as soon as I know.