Heavy Nug Toppled

day 40 of 70 flower a large top cola flopped over and the branch snapped but didn't break...supported with stick and rubber wire, and it survived as though nothing happened. day 60, fan leaves on just this cola(exactly from the point of the break up) began yellowing. Started flush about the same time. Strain is 70-77 days per breeder. Question should one harvest early if the portion of the top seems to die? Or should I top it and take the rest of the plant to normal harvest...these are clones, so might harvest day 70 ish. It has not died, but out of rythem with the rest of the plant.


Well-Known Member
If it is truly dead yea and don’t see any point of flushing and forget what breeder says on time line because it won’t ever be ready by their times. I would post pic of plant and guys will tell you when or how much longer u have


Well-Known Member
This happens sometimes if branches arent supported properly. Often times no harm is done if caught early and tied upright. Bamboo or netting is commonly used as support

go go kid

Well-Known Member
This is why its important to have fans blowing across your grow, to strengthen the branches ready for harvest


Well-Known Member
Your nutrient/medium need assessment if buds are falling over at day 40 of flower. Harvest buds by overall development and trichomes. Take the best and leave the rest. You might be taking bud for another week or two.