Height Restriction


Active Member
My plants are about 4 weeks into flower and are doing very nicely. The problem is that they have now reached the roof of my grow room and I'm not sure what to do. Do I take the tops off or bend them?


Well-Known Member
bend them taking the tops off will stress you plants reduce and reduce yield and delay the finish product. Good Luck any pictures?


Well-Known Member
you have several options ...but need to know the dynamics of the plants to help..how tall is your grow area....what lights...? need more info and pics would help a lot too


Well-Known Member
From the top of your bud measure down about a foot or so where you see bare green stem.

Then with your fingers squeeze and twist the stem until you hear a snapping sound like bone breaking. The top of the plant will now be free to bend at a 45 degree angle.

You can then use string or something to support it.


Well-Known Member
at 4 weeks if an Indica strain she probably wont be gaining anymore height. at 4 weeks all main budsites should be formed and vertical height dramatically reduced. but bending will help and actually be better for the plant-less likely heat stress from being to close to light, and u will possibly open up some more budsites.


Well-Known Member
With string?
I'd use something of a larger diameter, maybe jute.
From the top of your bud measure down about a foot or so where you see bare green stem.

Then with your fingers squeeze and twist the stem until you hear a snapping sound like bone breaking. The top of the plant will now be free to bend at a 45 degree angle.

You can then use string or something to support it.
Super-cropping is what Xare's just described here.