Height vs Width question for new grow, Any help is appreciated


Active Member
Ok, so here is what I am wondering.... My plant stems are very long and lanky. It is 3" from soil to base of first main leaves, total height is 5 1/4"..... They are strong but are reaching for the sky. The canopy is starting to bloom decent, color is good and they are 2 1/2 weeks old today. I have enclosed two pictures. (Hopefully! Trying to figure out how to) Is this growth normal? When will they start to stretch outward a bit, rather than upward? I have been keeping the light approximately 2" above them since birth so I didn't think that was an issue but I could be wrong.

Thanks in advance for any criticism.



Well-Known Member
why are the leaves cut? they are deffintly stretching, what sort of light is above them? wattage? might not be enough light.


New Member
You were a bit stretched, keep the light close to them when they're babies. I'm going to assume this is a CFL grow due to the stretch, CFLs can be almost touching the leafs without burning them. When you transplant cover up the stems until you're at the first set of leafs.


Active Member
So, I will lower them Nusky till I figure out the rest. Taking pics of lights now. I have the walls lined with 8, 48" light fixtures for total "wrap around" light but not using yet.....and a dual setup that I made, above the canopies with two 20w grow bulbs. Taking pictures now...

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i would change to a bigger pot after/if they stop stretching and bury them up to the first set of true leaves , otherwise these plants will become to weakl and bemnd over
what light you using cause these plants are clearly stretching for light


Active Member
So bury the whole stem up to the first set of leaves? Did not know you could do that. Thanks


Well-Known Member
you can transplant now if you want, as for pot size just make sure its going to be big enough to bury those stems and be able to fill soil in bottom of pots


Active Member
What do you suggest as a reflective? Burn blankets, the shiny metallic ones? I see a lot on here using them in the pictures


Those blankets you're talking about are just sheets of Mylar. You can get it at a lot of places cheap and it works well. Another option is white poly. It's also very good at keeping light where to want it.
If I had to throw in my $.02, I'd say get some more light on those plants. The current setup is making them want more light which is why they stretch. Also, it will have to do with your light schedule. Try using 24/0 (light/dark) if you're not already. More light will not give the plants a chance to stretch. You aren't in trouble with the plants, yet. You just need to get them buried a little and keep the stretch down before they outgrow your setup (which can happen believe it or not.) Good luck and keep updating!


Well-Known Member
Should I transplant now?? I can pick up the pots today. What should my next pot size be?
It is really un necessary to transplant into a bigger pot right now

im pretty sure your roots have not filled those up yet

i would just re plant them and bury the stem in what their in now and let them get a strong root structure first

Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

If you are going to just transplant into a bigger pot and bury the stem , make sure you water only where you know where your roots might be ,

Do not water the whole pot , roots grow better through dry soil then wet

so just make sure you water around your plant ,

you dont want to accidentally over water your plants cuz your waiting to long for the rest of the pot to dry out

good luck , happy growing my man


Active Member
Yes, I am on a 24/0 light schedule. I will re-plant tomorrow and go from there. I do have another light that I will use for now till I have the extra $$ to get a good light system. Thanks for all your advice. It helps a lot. Any constructive criticism helps so throw it out.