Hello all. Help with ID’ing sex?

Hi friends. First time poster, longtime lurker. Began my first attempt at growing recently and was wondering if anyone on the board could determine the sex of my plant from the pics below.


Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
What they said, way too early, that's new growth you're looking at.

Male parts are on little stems.

Have fun


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your kind replies and well wishes. Much appreciated.
i just went through the same thing and it took about a month or more mine was a girl you can flip it to a 12/12 light cycle and find out faster i am thinking its a girl the way the pistils are crossed good luck


Well-Known Member
i also had several people tell me male and i was close to killing her but i waited thank God
i just went through the same thing and it took about a month or more mine was a girl you can flip it to a 12/12 light cycle and find out faster i am thinking its a girl the way the pistils are crossed good luck
Thank you very much. It is a ‘sack’ seed that I found and stuck in some dirt. When it sprouted I was hooked. Went to a local nursery and bought some FFOF and immediately transplanted from the gross dirt it was in. Got a cfl bulb until tent and sf2000 arrived. Also got two Zkittlez seeds from NorthAtlanticSeeds. Only 1 has sprouted since germinating 4 days ago. It’s in the tent next to this unknown. Just trying to ensure I don’t flower too early and run the risk of it possibly being male and pollinating the Zkittlez that’s growing beside it. Thanks again all.

