Hello from a UK chick ;)


Hey peeps, my name's Abi. It's a weird story as to why I've joined up...watched a documentary on cannabis and I was like "I wanna try some". Then went through a period of thinking nah that wouldn't be good. Anyways, been watching Drugs, Inc (National Geographic, wicked stuff) and I was like, man I really wanna try some. So here I am, haha.

Never tried 'illicit' drugs, got no plans to grow weed, but I wanna at least try some and make up my own opinions on it. I'm totally naive to everything, so I'm here to learn. :blsmoke:


Active Member
Safest and best drug in the world, give it a try, you'll be glad you did. Let us know what you think.


Active Member
welcome, just take what the bbc says with a pinch of salt, they tend to incorperate alot of scare tactics :) good luck, and just try and mkesure you get something nice for your first time but dont over do it have a few on spliff then see how u feel


Well-Known Member
Me either o don't do drugs I only smoke marijuana. And btw welcfome aboard... hope your not a troll or anything like that for that matter..........


bud bootlegger
welcome to the wonderful world of cannabis.. i agree, that you should look for some kill like maybe some cheese or blues or livers for your first smoke.. a nice joint would be a lovely way to partake for the first time..


i would do it...
marijuana is not bad for you at all... depending on your size and tolerance.. i dont suggest smoking a JOINT for your first time...
go buy a descent glass pipe or little bong and load yourself a good size hit..if you get some good shit.. then you will feel the effect...
it will not kill you this i promise :)


Well-Known Member
The Teven.. I saw a movie or 2 & I think you can be killed from smoking week. I saw it on TV & on the web & you KNOW that must be true! :)

Just kiddins ya.. Smoke all ya like.. Other than you may fall in love with it, it won't hurt ya in any way that I am aware of. Hell, not even a hangover the next day :)


lol, I promise I ain't a cop :lol: But then I guess that's what one would say? Dunno, have to explore the board a bit more and get talking :mrgreen:

welcome to RIU, what part of the country you hailing from?
From London. Well main home is in London with my mum, but I'm in a room near my uni.

welcome, just take what the bbc says with a pinch of salt, they tend to incorperate alot of scare tactics :) good luck, and just try and mkesure you get something nice for your first time but dont over do it have a few on spliff then see how u feel
Aww, thank you for the advice :smile: And yes, I agree about the scare tactics from the BBC!

Me either o don't do drugs I only smoke marijuana. And btw welcfome aboard... hope your not a troll or anything like that for that matter..........
Nah I ain't a troll (wouldn't even know how to be a crap one, let alone a good one), but I guess it'd help to actually introduce myself a bit more.

Erm.....I'm 22, from London, in my final year of uni doing nursing. I'm a quiet person tbh, much prefer relaxing in my room reading a book or wasting my life away on the internet than actually partying or anything. lol, I don't wanna say too much about me cos of the profession I wanna work in (like I know all kinds of people use weed, but I dunno... call me paranoid ;-)). Cheers for the warm welcome everyone


Well-Known Member
Your not a grower or even a smoker!!?? WTF are you doin here??:lol: Mari aint a killer addictive drug that can harm anyone either`just so you know. If your thinkin of tryin it just go for it is what I say, it's much safer for you than alcohol is too.
Welcome to RIU anyways, I'm in the UK too. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
My fave is the Kitty Wake did I spell that right, the rest of you wankers bugger off everyone is welcome at the RIU ranch, watch your manners, any way when was the last time a woman showed you her tatas when you were rude?? assholes

Anyway welcome to the sand box, my advice is go slow and by that I mean if you get offered a joint only take 2 or 3 puffs and Stop! Wait 10 to 20 minutes and see how you feel and go from there. Remember you can always add but is hard to take away. I say this as some people if they inhale too much will turn get green and puke, so go slow. If you find your having trouble drink lots of fruit juice and eat stuff any thing will due. It will bring you back faster, if all else fails just close your eyes and go to your happy place and you will sleep it off. Kind of like drinking, what happened the first time you drank??? or your friends,,,, go slow and learn to enjoy the moment and than the creativeness, I bet you drink beer, who you going to trust? The creator made weed and man made beer? Ever hear of a bloke smoking weed and beating his wife and kids?? Booze yes pot no. So at worst you learn and make your own judgments on your experiences not on what your fed. Learning expands the mind so does experience. Peace and positive vibes your way.

So about seeing your bits, if I was a woman would it make a difference??

biker girls.jpg


Well-Known Member
you can get some decent weed in london if you know the right people,
but there are lots of shit growers there lol


Well-Known Member
From London. Well main home is in London with my mum, but I'm in a room near my uni.

haha just down the road then


Active Member
Welcome sweet,

We're all quite friendly here lol and by the sounds of it alot of us are just down the road..
Anyways please just try it in moderation there's some strong strains out there that really will put the new smoker on there arse..

Have fun