Hello from East Coast :)))


Well-Known Member
hi every 1 , new to the forum but not to growing , hehe , i hope that i'm going to receive help when i'm going to need it and to give my own input from experience i have of nourishing this great plant to whoever my need it :) , im all indoors , i would love to try outdoors one day but for now i'm all in baby :), happy that i joined RUI Family ... Peace out every1 :D


Well-Known Member
Well hello bighulk, I'm from the east coast also, North or South? we're all here to help each other, and it's good to have new friends aboard.


Well-Known Member
North :) hehe , I was looking for something funny for my avatar , i hope that this make a few ppl laugh heheheh , DeeTee what about u south or north? , how did u manage last storm ? NJ got hit hard , thank god i don't live there , , we had a few floods in my state , but nothing big :D


Well-Known Member
Don't use big words like "nourishing", dude, you are going to confuse people like me;-)J/K.
Welcome and good growing!


Well-Known Member
Bighulk: I'm from the north, had lots of heavy wind but not much damage to my house just had one awening ( spelling ) knocked down. havn't had such heavy winds in a long time, would like to grow outdoors too but too many problems with bugs and the like, not many places to grow either, got anything growing now? I've got two Big Buds and one Afgan going, they are 3 weeks in flower and seems to be doing good.


Well-Known Member
i got ak47 going on right now , just receive beans for god bud from B.C and cindy99 from female seeds i believe , as a freebie i got critical jack and black russian auto from delicious seeds , i'm planing to get purple wreck from reserva but i was waiting for this month promo in attitude to get more freebies , and i want whole bunch of cheese strains , all different types , blue chese , chesse dog .. but we will c when it's coming down closer to next month promo i keep changing my mind lol , but purple wreck it's diffenatly on my list :D