Hello from New Hampshire

My name is Jim and somehow found this forum by accident.

Every state around me - Maine, Vermont, and Mass. have legalized recreational cannabis. NH only has medical. I'm hoping that will soon change.

I'm 67 and have never been on any kind of 'meds'. I really don't drink much, but to get the edge off my go to med is a good doobi or a couple of rips off a water pipe.

Hey, nice to be here among like-minded folks. See you around the forum.
My name is Jim and somehow found this forum by accident.

Every state around me - Maine, Vermont, and Mass. have legalized recreational cannabis. NH only has medical. I'm hoping that will soon change.

I'm 67 and have never been on any kind of 'meds'. I really don't drink much, but to get the edge off my go to med is a good doobi or a couple of rips off a water pipe.

Hey, nice to be here among like-minded folks. See you around the forum.
Welcome to RIU

Good luck! Peace :peace: