Hello from New Jersey


Well-Known Member
Hey hows it going, i once grew a marijuana plant inside my bass drum of my drum set when i was younger. I did some research back then about growing and i did find my self growing a hermie =(. But since then its been years and im ready to try a real grow, altho it must be concealed i have that covered. Its most likely going to be small yields from what ive read (1\2 - 1oz dry). Since ive had the urge to grow ive done lots and lots and lots of research and i found most of my googled questions coming to this site. So here i am!


Well-Known Member

im SURE u will find a TON of info on this site here.

have u looked into LSTing, or a MINI-SCRog?? theres a guy on here that is GREAT at LSTing, i think he will help u out.

his name is HARDROC, hit him up if ur in a small area. he mastered that shit.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
What have you heard about legalization in NJ, and opening a dispensary?
I believe the bill just passed for the use of Medical Marijuana and the buds are available at participating hospitals, im not sure about local dispensaries tho.


Active Member
I don't believe they have opened themyet. I am also located in NJ and looking to do my first grow so you can hit me up for info and we can feed off each other.


Active Member
they should start decriminalizing cannabis in nj if they officially accepted the fact its an organic medical plant,,, new jersey has harsh penalties just for possesion... im from new jersey and is disgusting how they are sucking the life out of people with all these so called preventive patrolling at least in my area.. cops just racial profile and harrass to make quotas .. and we are so called broke but yet i get pulled over once a month just cause my car is sporty and im driving the speed limit ..... gov christie approved 6 dispensaries and 3 are or include people he worked with or knows.. no wonder its only 6 they approved .they wanna control it and monopolize it . typical so called government officials..... governtment comes from the greek meaning ,, ment= mind governt = control (mind control)