hello? is there anyone there? .


Active Member
so here i am chillin with my newest harvest..... northern lights big bud cross.

i thought i lost this baby, got a whiff of her about 3 weeks to go and, being a noob, didn't recognise the particular aroma, freaked and thought it smelled off.....bud rot. took her out the grow room and dumped her in the spare room to be disposed of later.
later came n went and i was still baked on the sofa lol a week goes by and i remember bout her, pop my head in and her fluffy buds had gone all tight. still having some water left over from the grow i watered her and took her down to sit next to the tv. figured it'd be an experiment just to look at even if not to smoke. few days bk i had a close up look and she was ready, and the smell had changed slightly to a smell i recognised as a weed smell. i chopped off the cola i thought had the strongest stench of rot popped it in a bag and took it round to my "man in the hills" to check out. he gave it the thumbs up, said it was just immensely stinky. dried the bigger popcorn buds and had first sample tonight. thinking about it more and more, there were no signs of rot and after 3 weeks something woulda been showing.

all in all its a cracking smoke, supposedly equal thc to cbd..... but definitely better than the white siberian, MI5, and jack herer that made it to harvest before this one...then again it might just be that this one was left until it was ready.

i know its good shit cause i haven't even started making the point i wanted to in this thread and for love nor money can't remember what the point i wanted to make was!

massive thanks to anyone who offered advice:peace: