Hello to Everyone


I am a middle aged man, living in south east england. I have been a casual but keen indoor gardener for about three years, and recently decided to expand a little so as to grow all year round. I have purchased a 1m x 1m x 2m grow tent with shelves at 1m high. I have a 400W high pressure sodium lamp, carbon filter and extractor fan and a little blow fan to keep the air moving. I have suffered from a great deal of pain due to surgery, RSI in both arms and shoulders, and neurological pain caused by diabetes. I have very powerful (and very nasty) painkillers on repeat prescription, but they are addictive with unpleasant side effects so I do not take them. I read up quite a bit on cannabis and its pain reducing capabilities, and decided to have a go at growing some for myself. I must stress I will only ever have 1-2 plants on the go, this is for personal medical use only, no selling or distributing whatsoever. I tried cannabis when I was young but have not used it for over 20 years. I purchased some white widow seeds and used the wet towel method to germinate two seeds three days ago. both grew small tap roots, and have now been placed in 4 inch pots in lite nutrient growing compost (sufficient nutes for two weeks) purchased from a hydroponics centre. I am also growing tomatoes, and they are in the same soil and are doing very well. I water using tap water that is PH adjusted manually, and left to stand to let chlorine evaporate. I will not add nutes for two weeks, and when I do it will be mixed as I water in a separate container, not in the main bucket. I have a hydro thermometer installed and try to keep temp at around 22-25 celsius and humidity at 50%

My initial questions are;

should I have planted straight into the growing medium? No shoots after two days in pots. I have three more seeds to plant if I have screwed up.
Is one 400w HPS sufficient for half a dozen tomato plants, a few strawberries and a couple of white widows all in a one metre square enclosed space?
I prefer to transplant only once to final 2-3 gallon pot, so as to minimize transplant shock. Is this wise?
Is my approach correct?

Many thanks for reading this, and once again, hello to you all !