Hello to my fellow cannibis lovers


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone,

A few of you may have seen my make a few posts, and know me already, most of you don't. I seen this introduction forum and decided to stop in and introduce myself. So, Hello!

I figure this is the best place for me to come for advice, and to share my stories. Because, you all, like me, are lovers of cannabis.

So you all know. The state of Mass in the US has recently had a small victory in the fight to legalize cannibis. I live in that state. It is now "decriminalized" as long as its a ounce or under. You no longer will get arrested or a record. People who are caught with a ounce or under that are 18 or older will have there stuff taken away, and be given a 100 dollar fine then sent on your merry ol way. However, if your under 18, You get a 100 dollar fine, some good ol drug classes, and I believe a few hours of community service

Even though its not totally legal, I still find this to be a great vitory towards full legalization nationwide. Only a few days after this passed, there was a mention of a push for full legalization nationwide in years to come.

10 years ago, here in Mass thinking marijuana could be legal or decriminalized here was unheardof, now, there is already talks of tatal legalization. I think within 10 years, that will happen!

Anyways, I love this forum, and being around like minded people. We are all on the same level. So, anyone that would like to stop bye, and say hello, feel free. I hope to meet as many new people as I can

I do have 1 question. I see there is a rep system? How do you get rep? Do you get rep bye posting? Or does someone have to appoint you rep, or both? And what is the benefit of rep? Having less restrictions?

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone! Happing growing, and happier smoking!


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone,


Anyways, I love this forum, and being around like minded people. We are all on the same level. So, anyone that would like to stop bye, and say hello, feel free. I hope to meet as many new people as I can

I do have 1 question. I see there is a rep system? How do you get rep? Do you get rep bye posting? Or does someone have to appoint you rep, or both? And what is the benefit of rep? Having less restrictions?

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone! Happing growing, and happier smoking!
The rep system works by clicking on the scales icon in the type right corner of a post. You can approve or disaprove of a post. most people only positively rep though. Make sure you put your screen name in the comment so people know who repped them. You may get some in return.
The experience and other scales are too complex for me to explain, but an admin might be able to help. You get points for new posts, replies, the use you make of the forum. A whole mess of stuff.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, its been pretty nice so far. Forums are great. Nice to meet you all. Thanks for the info Gryphonn

My Quote " Some people decide to build great bodies. I decided to build great plants "