Hello - Unlurking


Hi All,
I'm not historically much of a joiner but hey, there's no name calling here so I'm taking off my cloak. I am just looking over the threads here and see many things of interest. I'm a reader, writer, musician, and have had a career of working for not for profit organizations. Ideas, art, music, literature, cooking and general happy types of things are my focuses. Newbies to DIY.

- OnlyCats


Well-Known Member
Hello OnlyCats ! I have only been here a few months but have found this site to be a wealth of knowledge. I am a multimedia consultant and have been amazed by the diversity of members on RIU. (here we are all brothers and sisters) so welcome.


Hi Wanderer and Barnbuster. I have found alot of info and participation here so far. It's interesting, this brings us together. I remember as a young person, I never knew all that existed out there. Of course, it was before the internet (yikes, I've showed my age). Thank goodness for a bit of social progress.:p :peace:


Well-Known Member
Well you are very welcome. I assure you that you are not the only one here that dates before the internet or "BI" as i will refer to it from now on. Long gone are the days when people spoke face to face, but i welcome the new wave of technology (in moderation) because it allows me to reach far and wide to meet people as yourself.