
Just hanging my hat and saying hello.

Welcome to our stoner sanctum stoner dude. You'll have a lot of fun kicking around in here. There is quite the cross-section of members in here. Just about all members are very nice.....very engaging and helpful. However , like any where else
there are some very rude, unhappy campers who will piss you off . I usually ignore
insulting comments but sometimes it's fun to " cross swords ". I got in a " bar fight"
the first night I joined. Have a great time ! This can be addictive.
... please translate if it's not a problem, I'd appreciate it. Hope I didn't piss you off with my comments ...
Not at all. It takes ALOT to piss me off. I can translate.

I wasn't sure which part you considered as addictive ... the commenting/involvement in those posts that become argumentative ... or the growing of weed in general.
Not at all. It takes ALOT to piss me off. I can translate.

I wasn't sure which part you considered as addictive ... the commenting/involvement in those posts that become argumentative ... or the growing of weed in general.

Thanks for replying......well growing weed is a passion of mine and it is addictive due to the enjoyment it gives me ( the last 50yrs) , long before RIU.
I'm retired living on a lake , very isolated ( I love it )......lots of free time. RIU is very entertaining to me ! Topics from a-z to talk about , great exchanges with many members , the wit and humor, helping people with all sorts of problems , learning etc. I am not eristix ! I detest that demeanor. Sometimes ,
however, when some mean spirited ass-hat bitch slaps me for no good reason I fire back. I would never post anything offensive. I'm not the guy who ran out of the bar with everybody else to watch a fight. I can't tolerate agressive behavior , it's very upsetting. I'm sure you have had moments in your life when you have had to resort to that classic cliche......" Fuck-off " .
... I'm sure you have had moments in your life when you have had to resort to that classic cliche......" Fuck-off " ...
I sure have - to my own family members to be specific. My entire family was very critical of everything I did - just for critique sake. I became numb to it growing up. But when that same attitude moved seamlessly to both my wife and my daughter ...

Fuck off!

And we approach the ( ... quietly performs mental math ... ) 18th anniversary of me fucking off.