

Active Member
Hi, new here. Posted a few things in the newbie forum. Tired of buying pot on the street and low grade awful tasting pot. I am amazed at the recent developments towards decriminalizing pot. At the very least it should be taken off the schedule 1 classification. Who really believes pot is more dangerous than coke or meth.........schedule 2 stuff. I hope the prohibition of pot is near. Pot Laws.jpg Let me grow what I want in the privacy of my home without any criminal activity involved.


Well-Known Member
Your comment reminded me of the newb post a while back about a meth plant.
I know what you are saying, but wandering minds........


Hello Everyone,
Me new to this forum, hope we all will have wonderful time together exchanging thoughts. Looking forward to interact with you people.


Well-Known Member
welcome, try to enjoy this site. it is one sided most of the time, but only when it comes to what you believe. if you are not assimilated into the pot head way of thinking you are well fucked. which means if any belief is outside the norm its not good to post it.
you MUST agree with-gay marriage, illegal immigration, and abortion to fit in here. if not dont post the mods will harass you.trust me i know.