Help 16 day old autoflower with drooping curling leaves


New Member
Hi there. My critical autoflower is super droopy. Leaves seem to be curling down. It's been 24 hours since a water so I assumed it would have picked up by now. I let the soil dry up for 5 days in between waterings. This is my first grow. It's in pro mix up with extra perlite. It was fed 1/4 dose of AN ph perfect line. Humidity is 50 and temp is 26 degrees. Not sure what's going on?



Well-Known Member
Indy heavy girl ... fat leaves will hang , she’s pretty green ...

I would say do nothing more , stay doing what you are doing ...

Make sure you are watering ( only when needed ) autos hate overwatering


New Member
Thanks for the reassurance. I've got a couple other strains going and they don't show the same leaf curling so I was getting worried. Appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
AN drives the ph down I used to use it for years and had all kinds of little problems I switched to general hydro and love it ….I know it is not what you want to hear ...I didnt either...…. but get rid of that AN shit and your problems will go away ….. have you checked run off ph


New Member
I have not checked run off ph yet. My tap water is about 7.5. When mixed with the AN it ends up around 6. I will check the run off next time I water. Good call.