HELP!!!! 1st post and 1st timer


Active Member
Hi I'm Danielle. This is my first post ever, I'm brand new and I'm the biggest pothead you'll ever meet, but I've never grown pot before. lol. Anyway, here it is. My future father in law went on a few month vacation, before he left he started 2 plants. I lost one, but I saved the others life, because he was spraying miracle grow directly on the plant and leaves and all, and from what I know you should'nt do that. It was just bad, the leaves were all yellow and shitty. BTW this plant was only like 12 days old when he left. Ok, my friend who I've known for years told me I had to cut the sucker leaves off. Which he said was the tiny leaves coming out of the branches. I did it because I thought he was right, but now after looking up pictures and doing a little bit of research it dosent look right. I can't even tell if its a male or female, but its been like 2 1/2 months now and the plant is doing very well and its super skunky, still vegging. growing more and more everyday, but I'm worried I screwed it up and I'm also wondering if both males and females smell very strong. I can't tell and I need help, Sorry I've typed so much but hopefully someone can be kind enough to help me out. please hit me back
confused and deranged....


Well-Known Member
welcome to the forum. Yes both male and female plants can have some odor to them. If the plant looks healthy it probably is. You didn't mention what its planted in or where its planted inside or outside. Pictures are always nice. We like pictures. A lot of times we can help folks if we can see pictures. VV