Help! 1st time grower curled leaves


Well-Known Member
Im growing larry og and blue dream haze my larry og seems fine but my blue dream hazes are curling up ? i have excellent air flow 4x8 tent with 6' vortex cooling my hood 1000 watt and going out. I also have a 6' inline fan exhaust at the top. temps stay from 70F to 82F. I recieved these clones 2 days ago there all about 12 to 14 in tall and were never topped i recently topped them. And water them once a day. Am I over watering ? I use RO water and adjust the ph 6.0 to 6.7 its hard to get it the same every time. I also fed them 1/4 strength GH flora series i dont know exactly how old they are ? they seem very stretched ? any help i will appreciate thankyou...



Well-Known Member
Yo nice hook up~:clap::clap::clap:

Yes their stretch~ move yo light down about to 1.5 ft from plant
What yo method of growing is that hydro/dirt?
It looks like hydro but yo ph'ing to dirt?
Don't look like the roots have very much room and are over water
Their in cups their root bound very very very bad~
Yo are you in veg and yo just topped'em with hps light they work
but I go by the book use mh~


Well-Known Member
thnx man! Ok ill move the light closer Im growing in fox farm ocean forest i just have some hydroton clay on the top of some of the soil looks cleaner is this a bad idea ? no hydro yet iv'e been researching it probably build something myself in the future but i just want to stick with soil on my first. yea i am ph'ing to dirt. Also i just ordered some sun blaze t5's can i veg under those instead of the hps ? would it be better ? And i just topped them cause i didnt want just 1 top cola can you super crop a plant thats never been topped?


Well-Known Member
Yo transplant'en asap~
I top after the 5th set of leaves
about the second week of veg
so it'll will veg a couple of weeks afterwards......
usually veg to 15"or so growing
from seeds.
Yo yours is what clones and their root bound~


Well-Known Member
ya u definitely want to transplant those to a much bigger pot i would go at least 5 gallon pots at very least. if your roots are limited, your yield will be limited. always best to give roots plenty of room. hps if fine for veg imo, although t-5s are great for veg and more economical. also do u have holes in the bottoms of those cups? water must be able to drain or u will get root rot. hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
There's no holes at the bottom of the cups but it looks like someone took a razor and slit the bottom once and 3 slits on the side. I pulled back one of the slits at the bottom of the cups and the roots are bunched up so there definitley root bound i found some 1 gallon trash bins at walmart for a $1.50 i drilled 5 holes at the bottoms for drainage picture 1 and 2 are the bucket i purchased. Think there good for now ? cause im a little strapped till i get paid. Also i noticed that the 2 that are sluuggish and droopy are ones that i topped cold this stress the plant at all ? pic 3 and 4 were the topped plants wich look droopy and pic 5 was not topped but transplanted two days ago and it looks pretty good.



Active Member
Y100_1315.jpgou need to transplant asap into larger pots ,yu should not water everyday ,make some co2 with sugar water and yeast in a gallon jug for your gro100_1526.jpgw room ,they should perk up after a few days .Yes T5 s do a great job in Veg and also do well in flower also with the right bulbs here is a pic 100_1637.jpg


Well-Known Member
mmmmm man those look so healthy thnx bro iv'e transplanted into bigger pots and haven't watered for a couple days they look so much better. And for the co2 i ordered 2 of the EXhale c02 bags so we'll see how they work there supposed to be good for 6 months.


Well-Known Member
hey I was looking at your picture and do you have one of your fans plugged into the daisy chain outlet on your t5 panel? is it ok to do that ? i thought you weren't supposed to plug anything in the daisy chain outlet is to another panel ?