Help!! 30 day flower!! Dying!!

054.jpg062.jpg061.jpg063.jpg060.jpgThe details: White Widow, soiless mix, distilled water P.H.6.1 after nutes, using fox farm trio with cha cing and just switched to beastie bloomz ppm are in line with fox farm feeding chart 1100-1430ppm. Temps are 72F-85F humidity is 20%-45%. I thought it was nute burn so I flushed it with fresh ph 6.1 water 7 days ago. No change from what I have read on these forums they say it is calcium defecient so I added 2tps of CalMag Plus to a gallon of 6.1 ph water 2days ago. No change. If it is calcium defecient how long till i should see some change? Any other info needed to help diagnose the problem let me know. Here are some pics of the progression of the problem.


Active Member
The damaged leaves wont get better. You would have to look at your new growth to see if it indeed is getting better.